I think there is a substantial group of people who just object to change as a matter of principal. Because they dislike (in many cases with good reason) some of the more extreme "Green" policies that make media headlines, they throw away the baby with the bathwater and develop an irrational hatred for anything related to the technology.
I've heard over and over again that solar panels are a waste of money and "don't work in our climate", when it is simply not true. For example, I live in the West Highlands of Scotland, a northerly area with a notoriously wet climate. Between mid March and mid October we are entirely grid independent, and whilst Dec and Jan are non-starters, even in Nov and Feb we can make enough to trickle by off grid if we are careful about appliance use. For about six months of the year we are net producers and sell a fair bit back to the grid. We have a house battery which covers in hours of darkness. When the time comes to replace our current car, we will get an EV, charge it with our free solar electricity, and use the vehicle itself as an extra battery to supplement the panels during solar dips. All this did come at a price, and I can see issues with renewables (particularly the charging infrastructure for EVs in cities, and the unsuitability of many British homes for either solar or heat pumps), but this isn't an excuse for not looking forward and trying out new things where feasible. Personally I get a huge kick out of seeing the stats from the solar and looking at the CO2 we are not generating. I also have to say that although this is probably unworthy of me that I took a fair degree of pleasure when our area had a 48 hour power cut and we were up and running when all the people who had rubbished the solar were sitting in the dark!
I'm 57 - so no one can say that it is just us "old people" who refuse to embrace change