Place I used to work had those motion sensitive lights. If ever you were in early they were always going off.I turn off lights continuously at work, lots are on all day but lots have a switch that seems to technical for many of our staff.
Me or Mrs F. It's the reason all the bulbs are LED. Daughter and Son have very bright spots. Daughter's was halogen at first, but the heat was crazy, so swapped to LED.
Me. I have a fantasy of rewiring the house to I can switch them all off at once from a single location that is known only to me.
It's me in our house too.
On the heating thing, an architect friend tells me that due to metabolic differences, men prefer a temperature indoors around 3 degrees cooler than women. So either Mrs Knees wears a jumper indoors, or I'm in shorts and a t-shirt.
Or anyone for that matter. I work in a glass fronted office and even during hot spells the girls in there insist on keeping the radiators on. I'm first in and go round every morning turning them off though.This is true. It's why many offices struggle to set heating that pleases everyone.