Hardcore...hardly !!!
5 miles a day 'commuting'...i prefer to think i ride to work. Commuting seems so innapropriate for a short ride to work
I do ride all year round, (except when its pishing it down in the morning )
The only day never ride is Weds...for a specific reason.
I often take a 'long cut' through town on the way home...just to do a few extra miles and play with the traffic
Now then ...hardcore

Guy at work a few years ago got banned for drink driving. Got himself a Bianchi roadbike and commuted about 30 miles EVERY day, ALL weathers for a year.
He enjoyed it, even the coldest of winter days...there were no showers (but then he was an engineer, so being clean and smart wasnt important)
Hmmm, enjoyed it ???...perhaps he just accepted his lot. Never complained though.