who counts as a hardcore commuter?

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To do 80mls at freezing temp. ! thats how hardbloodycore I am !


Senior Member
Frozen North
I commute everyday in all weathers. About 3.5 miles each way, sometimes extend on the way home. Only miss it when really bad ice; not as often as we used here in the the North East of scotland.


Senior Member
Frozen North
I commute everyday in all weathers. About 3.5 miles each way, sometimes extend on the way home. Only miss it when really bad ice; not as often as we used here in the the North East of scotland.
SimonGalgut said:
Only 50 miles per day. And no, I wasn't.
Fck me! I'm on Cyclogs and Mr Galgut <doffs cap> is a bit of a legend.

My commute would be 33 miles as a round trip and damned hilly. I take the train most of the way in, ride the rest (3.5 miles) and ride as far home as I can face, depending on how late I finish. If I do the full distance it's a 20 mile day with two bastard climbs (A379 out of Torquay and A379 out of Teignmouth) on the way.
On singlespeed. ;)


I have an 8 1/2 mile round trip. I tend to cycle in 3-4 times a week. I am aiming at a regular 5 days a week but usually other things crop up that require the use of a car (unrelated to the weather).
I don't mind what weather it is as I have showers at work and hang wet clothes up in the archive store.
I do find though, that towards the end of the week, I tend to slow down going home - It's all up hill and it all catches up with my poor leggsies.
Rykard said:
it's snowing here in Leicester too....

There was snow on the lawn this morning. So, I've used the car. ;)
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