An off the wall one but does anyone recall the Fiat 127 based Yugo 55?
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A college friend back in the late 1990s had one which he modified a lot including fitting a larger fuel injected engine from a Fiat Uno i.e, electric windows, Recaro Seats, central locking, wide alloy rims, disc brakes all round, tinted glass and hand crafted wooden door cappings and all sorts of other things, all done on the cheap with bits from scrap yards using whatever fitted. They weren't a bad little car in fairness, seemingly much more rust-resistant than the Fiat it was based on and he drove it for years without any real problems. It was certainly different and with a bigger engine, very lively.
I was talking about it recently to a guy I know from former Yugoslavia and he said they were a reliable thing in general, the 55 was better than the smaller engined 45 which could blow head gaskets. The older they are the better, the last year or so of production following the collapse of Communism and the company was in the death throws of bankruptcy causing build quality to plummet and a little known fact that the last five hundred to leave the production line had blocks of wood inside the doors holding the windows up as the company which made and supplied the window winders had ceased trading!