Yeah but the conspiracy guys will tell you don’t listen to that guardian as it’s deep state.
what do you think of this one then?
I'll take this. Schools administer vaccinations with consent. Just as they do for calpol, and hay fever medication. Any medicines that a child takes are usually kept in the school office at primary. At secondary I think they are trusted a little bit more.
I'd say that this "meme" is junk from America.
Also note that it refers to the vaccine as "experimental". It isn't. It was researched, tested and approved. It is no more experimental than any other vaccine. There are some studies that cannot yet be done such as long term risk measurement, but very stringent levels of testing were carried out.
However when you circulate this misinformation intending that other human beings will suffer and die as a result of believing it - then you know something is seriously wrong with the person posting it.