What's the worst place you've been to

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Well this is depressing! The trouble is that so many places are the same - and that means crap. From my own experience I would nominate:

Great Yarmouth
Bridgwater (worst night out of my life was here)
London, but especially Finsbury Park on an Arsenal day


punkypossum said:
Actually, as far as depressing goes - and it is down South! - I think Slough definitely features somewhere near the top!

I once got offered a quite good job which was based in slough - so I turned it down. I just couldn't deal with the thought that every lunch break would be spent there. :biggrin::sad:


Auntie Helen said:
I remember an advert for the Canvey tourist board (or equivalent) about 25 years ago that said "Come to Captivating Canvey." Right!

I grew up in Benfleet but escaped to Kent until recently. I don't think Billericay's that bad but I'm not a big fan of the bit of Benfleet 'down the hill'...

Depends which bit of Benfleet you're referring to, but as most of it is at the bottom of one of four hills that must mean most of it! At the top is pretty much Hadleigh anyway.


djtheglove said:
May I suggest Canvey Island, It's a terrible place but for some reason I quite like it?

Canvey for all it's faults has one major one and that is it is featureless.

Having said that, I had a very sheltered childhood there at the Point end and it was mostly uneventful. I could always hit the beach in the summer. Most of the surrounding area was unbuilt as a child and it was great to explore. The other end with the council estate? Well, that's another matter.


Failed Tech Bro
Dave5N said:
What's wrong with Gosport?

Generally, the A32 down to Gosport is one of the nastiest, car-parkiest bad tempered roads its ever been my misfortune to drive down and everything seems to have barbed wire on it, either because its a naval base, a 'security solutions provider' or a drugs dealers.


I can't believe this hasn't been mentioned.....

Milton Keynes. It's just so wrong, a soulless blot on the landscape that looks like it was built in the US and imported over here with a few tweaks for the sake of Britishness (like a train station).

I just can't include deprived areas as that at least offers some explanation to the negative vibes.


Phoenix, Arizona - hell on earth, it's epitomises every worst aspect of American lifestyles.

Casablanca, Morocco - S**t hole. Shanty towns next door to a multi-million $ (I think it went into Billions actually) mosque - well done Hassan 2, you got your priorities right.


Yes I can, Yes I am, Yes I did...Repeat.
Huddersfiled and leeds were preety grim on the day i went

Agree about Chatham it's a pit as is Dartford

Gravesend lives up to it's name well, and the likes of Ockendon, Avely and rainham...oh dear.


Senior Member
London, SW10
wafflycat said:
London. Anywhere within the environs pof the M25. Ok for a day visit to friends/museums/galleries but that's it.

I reckon Mayfair is a bit nicer than the centre of any other city in the UK.


The deadest place I've been was Bracknell. It wasn't some bombed-out hellhole like some of the places described on this thread; it was just...dead. Got a cab from the station to the interview - all immaculate grass verges and clean, smooth roads - didn't see a single human being from one end of the journey to the other. Just plate glass buildings and tarmac. Not depressing as such, but the most soulless place I've ever been on earth.

Speke - now there's a shithole.

(I've just remembered, at the interview I asked if there was anything resembling a nightlife in Bracknell. The guy thought and said, well, there's a couple of pubs in town, but...well...if we want a night out, we go to Reading. 'Nuff said.)

Rhythm Thief

Legendary Member
Ross on Wye
BigonaBianchi said:
Huddersfiled and leeds were preety grim on the day i went

It's partly about where you're from, I suppose. I always feel right at home pretty much anywhere north of Manchester, but I feel like an alien in the south.


New Member
West Oxon
So many worthy contenders here!

After much thought, I'd have to go for the Borough of Havering in general, but specifically Rainham and Romford. Traffic-filled dumps and vulgar people all on the make. (Apologies to any forum members who live there. There must be exceptions, I suppose, but I just never met any).
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