I had £17k in savings, my parents gave me £15k to add to this as a deposit on our house.
A year later hubby walked out on me... On contacting the mortage compnay i found we had, a 100% mortage, we'd not paid a penny deposit & we were 3 months in arrears!
He aslo left another £20k in debts in joint names for items I had never seen.. a car & a home entertainment centre.
He dispeared off the face of the earth, took 2 years to get divorced in whcih time he was still running up debts in joint names
I made over 20 court appearances to save my house from being repossesed by various companies trying to reclaim his debts, all of which was sucessful - warrants were served to arrest him for fraud & decption.
In all this time his name had to stay on the mortage as I was still in arraers & the Abbey woudn't take his name off until they were cleared!
A year after our divorce, he tried to take me to court for 50% of the house - Which had more than tripled in value from our buying price. The case lasted 6 months & the court/judge agreed he could have his half, but only from what the house was worth at the time he left and minus all the debts I had, had to pay out over the 3 years..
I had to pay him £1k which pissed me off no end, But I did get the last laugh - his legal fees were £7k