Wheels nice and solid, no obvious lateral movement of the rims. Both brakes adjusted with a few mm of clearance either side of their respective rims.Wheel deflecting under load and brake rubbing.
Nope. I did wonder if there might be something in the hub area which shouldn't be there, but no.Something caught around the wheel axle... Bit of string?
That's an interesting one - wind blowing across the unbunged end like the noise made by blowing across the neck of a bottle ... I like that idea, but no.You'd lost a bung out the end of your bars.
I think that's a reasonable question, so I'll answer that - it was part of the bike; I won't tell you what part though!Was it a part of the bike, or an accessory or a foreign object?
Not a tandem, and no passengers either. Nor was it in my imagination, or my own fear at excessive speed!You were riding a tandem, and the screechy whiney noise was your passenger telling you that you’re going too fast
I suspect at some point somebody will ask the right question and that will lead to a rapid conclusion.
NOT spoke related.Something spoke related?
No animals were involved in the production of this noise. A tiny weasal did run across the road in front of me the other day, but it was unharmed and silent!Pet Hamster in the Bidon.
I did wonder about skewers. I wasn't sure if there is any movement of hub parts against skewers - if so then they would need to be lubed and I don't usually bother doing that. I thought probably not though, and that was not the source of the troublesome sound.Skewer rubbing a distorted axle.
Not the headset.Headset too tight.