What were you doing 7 years ago?

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Leg End Member
Losing cerebral spinal fluid through the nose, and being having samples refused due to their small size.

Dave 123

Legendary Member
7 years ago I was Head Gardener at Corpus Christi College in Cambridge. I had been married to someone for 25 years who had had an affair while we were trying for a child. She then gaslighted me for over 2 decades (our sons words)

In the meantime she’s done her worst to impinge upon my life in negative and subtle ways.

The positive in all this is that our son thinks she’s a bit of a bell end.

She lost out in so many ways.


Legendary Member
7 years ago I was Head Gardener at Corpus Christi College in Cambridge. I had been married to someone for 25 years who had had an affair while we were trying for a child. She then gaslighted me for over 2 decades (our sons words)

In the meantime she’s done her worst to impinge upon my life in negative and subtle ways.

The positive in all this is that our son thinks she’s a bit of a bell end.

She lost out in so many ways.

I'm old fashioned - I like my women like I do my coffee, without another man's nadger inside. That's why I dumped Mrs D mk1, and if I never saw her again it'd be too soon.

PS, I may be missing something obvious but what does "gaslighted" signify?


Heavy Metal Fan
I had to go through my google photos to see. 7 years ago I was with my ex wife, I was taking my son out quite a bit by the looks of it, probably to get out of the house. I was probably on the run-in to being extremely unhappy and leaving my ex which I did in the following April
I know there was a 7 years ago but what it was I have no recollection. The only assumption I can make is that I was a younger, fitter and slimmer version of myself, more active and my son was still finding me funny instead of embarassing. Actually, I think I was always embarassing, if you can't embarass your child where is the fun in that???:laugh:
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