What were you doing 7 years ago?

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Legendary Member
According to my daily journal I was naked kayaking on the River Hamble :blush:


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Not seven, but 14 years ago today I was walking along Studland beach after setting off from Minehead on 28th May.
In July 2017 I moved into a sheltered housing block after being local authority evicted from my flat at the time, due to it being condemned as a fire hazard, along with the other 9 flats in the building. I'll never forget being asked why I was using the microwave in the communal kitchen area, by one old git who thought he was 'top dog'. I told him it was because I'd left mine behind in my old flat as we had to evacuate the building in 5 hours, leaving most stuff behind. The following day he asked me again, as I warmed a ready meal up. I told him again that I didn't have a microwave available due to it being in my old flat. The following day I went to use that microwave to find it wasn't there! I found this odd, so I went into the warden's office to ask where it was and saw the microwave on top of a filing cabinet! Mr 'top dog' obviously had influence in that place! :rolleyes:
Is this him? :whistle:


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Not wishing to sound morbid but death was on my mind as my eldest son had died in Aberdeen and his brother was in a remote area of China. The funeral was postponed to allow him to make it back and was arranged for a Saturday to allow his colleagues to attend which they all did.
That should be all my funeral memories and strange I forgot about it in my earlier post.
Seven years ago today I woke up to ready myself for my first day in a new job.

The weekend before I had upped sticks from Greater Manchester and moved to the Edinburgh area, my wife having made the same move exactly 4 weeks before. Seven years later I am still in the same job but looking for opportunities for that next step.

What were you up to seven years ago?

I have no idea.

Accy cyclist

Legendary Member

He was nothing like Ray Winstone's 'Scum' character at all. He was about 5 foot 6 inch 'tall' and 83 years old. :rolleyes: He was a former BT, overseas manager, living for years in Canada, hence his nickname of Canadian c..t George, used by quite a few other residents. One even told me to watch out for Canadian c..t George on the day I moved in. The last time I spoke to him was after he'd confronted me for parking in 'his space' on the small car park belonging to the sheltered housing. He called me some choice names, so I told him what others called him. He seemed quite shocked and left me alone after that. A few years after I left the place, he also moved out after some undesirables who'd moved in gave him far more hassle that I ever gave him. The last I heard of him was from a bloke in his mid 50's who told me he'd moved into a sheltered housing unit (half a mile from the one I was in) and was getting hassle off some older residents in their 80's who were saying he was too young to be allowed to live in the place, even though he met the required 55 years old minimum age limit. One of those hassling him was a certain 'Canadian c..t George. :rolleyes:
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Senior Member
Bristol, UK
Moving into our new bungalow ^_^ :okay:


Working at an NHS clinic and hating it. So boring as there wasn’t nearly enough to do. Thankfully a short contract and then went off to a brilliant one. Also I had recently started a new relationship that I actually ended today.

Was that when I saw you, in Louth if I remember rightly?


World class procrastinator
Was that when I saw you, in Louth if I remember rightly?

Good memory.
I was a temp receptionist, while the regular receptionist went to do an admin course that she really didn’t want to do. It was a horrible contract as the clinic lot really wanted to keep the receptionist there, where she was very happy, so did their damndest to make me leave. They had run out the previous two or three temps. Horrible work situation but I figured that I could dig in for 5 weeks, or so.
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