What were you doing 7 years ago?

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Seven years ago today I woke up to ready myself for my first day in a new job.

The weekend before I had upped sticks from Greater Manchester and moved to the Edinburgh area, my wife having made the same move exactly 4 weeks before. Seven years later I am still in the same job but looking for opportunities for that next step.

What were you up to seven years ago?
I was 6 months into my new job, gained after the previous one made me redundant. I was also very unfit having spent 2 years driving to work and not doing much cycling at all.

I think I'd be buying a new bike about this time as I embarked on my journey back to fitness lol!.


Found in the Yorkshire hills ...
Waiting for a major operation on my right-hand side whilst prepping for London-Edinburgh-London, which the consultant and everyone apart from son no. 2 said I had no chance of completing. I also thought I probably wouldn't make it, but did.

On the 3rd of July we were (probably) at an Under 12 race and I'd come off coffee/caffeine to prepare for LEL.
Seven years ago today I woke up to ready myself for my first day in a new job.

The weekend before I had upped sticks from Greater Manchester and moved to the Edinburgh area, my wife having made the same move exactly 4 weeks before. Seven years later I am still in the same job but looking for opportunities for that next step.

What were you up to seven years ago?

I was looking for the next step too, in my case hating my job and counting down the years and months to retirement ! Which I achieved in 2019.
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