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Growing old disgracefully
South Wales

I used to borrow my mates glasses and do an inpression of that, at my local pub.

The landlord got so sick of me doing it, he removed the song from the jukebox :laugh:
The Following Events are Based on a Pack of Lies

Interesting story about a woman who sees her missing husband after 15 years, but he's pretending to be someone else and is actually a career conman with his sights set on his next victim - a successful fantasy author.
Helen & Dan’s Pennine Adventure
Binge watched the first 3 episodes

What a great little programme
They seemed to bounce off each other, being the best of friends

EDIT; Friday 1st @ 08:35
I didn't know what an 'exploration' background she had, until I looked (as the name seemed familiar); canoeing the Amazon, running an 'ultra' :notworthy:

View: https://youtube.com/shorts/QH_5fMj6ZGw?si=TUoIBGQUa1BOp0fO
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Really enjoying the (repeats of) Simon Reeve's mediterranean docco. Everything he makes is gold.
Just went to google his tour. Had to laugh at the top Q being asked:



Heavy Metal Fan
This shambles: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt21223562/ Henpocalypse!

Struggled to finish Ep1 - unusually, N and I both hated it in equal measure. Some good ideas, but no writing skill, no comic timing, no characters ... hard to believe it's come from Caitlin Moran's family :headshake:

Same, we watched 3 episodes on a rainy day hoping it would get better. It got worse. Shame, good fun plot but sadly no substance
The Following Events are Based on a Pack of Lies

Interesting story about a woman who sees her missing husband after 15 years, but he's pretending to be someone else and is actually a career conman with his sights set on his next victim - a successful fantasy author.

Only one episode in but we are enjoying this.
This shambles: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt21223562/ Henpocalypse!

Struggled to finish Ep1 - unusually, N and I both hated it in equal measure. Some good ideas, but no writing skill, no comic timing, no characters ... hard to believe it's come from Caitlin Moran's family :headshake:

Only watched it because some of it was filmed locally and one of the actors lived opposite my mum.

Very like that Zomboat comedy that only had one series.

I think one is enough for this too.


North Shields
Finished "Who is Erin Carter?" last night.

After the second episode I had decided it really wasn't any good, and my partner in crime agreed. Despite this, and possibly because there are only 7 episodes, we continued. Things do not improve.

There's an awful lot of staring off into the distance, every other word seems to be profane for no reason and there are plot holes big enough to consume a planet. Add in some nonsensical decision making and a poorly conceived traumatised child plot line and you've got this disaster, which has bafflingly been set up for a second series.

If you want to see people with a troubled past desperately trying to hold things together, watch Banshee.
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