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Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
The Old Man - A series on Disney+ with Jeff Bridges. Enjoying it so far.

I've started it - only one in, but not so sure MrsF wanted to watch it - I enjoyed it.

Been re-watching Breaking Bad !


back and brave
Okay, I'm a bit behind the times with it, but I kept meaning to start (even though I've seen a lot of clips on YouTube)
I watched the first two episodes
It's ok imho. I doubt I'll watch the new season though (whenever it's out) as it was, for me, wearing thin towards the end of season 1.

Edit: I didn't rate 'The Old Man' at all, required a suspension of believe more than that required for 'Wednesday'! Just a rerun of macho bullshit nonsense.... imho of course ;) I wouldn't be surprised if it was aiming for some kind of retro vibe but it failed in it's own right for me. Hommage does not make gold out of shoot! (Tongue firmly in cheek there, if you like it then cool, no probs here)
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a short-tempered ill-controlled small-minded troll
It's ok imho. I doubt I'll watch the new season though (whenever it's out) as it was, for me, wearing thin towards the end of season 1.


Wednesday would have been a lot better had
Christina Ricci
not hogged the final episode... and it was blatantly obvious from episode four that that was going to happen. Otherwise I found it a thoroughly enjoyable daft romp.

The House Across The Street (C5)... a whodunnit starring Shirley Henderson being the weirdest she's been (and that's saying something!). Certainly not enjoyable but not bad by Channel 5 standards.
We really enjoyed it, consistently good. I can't quite remember how it ended, but I do recall the ending was at least satisfactory.
Terminator - The Sarah Connor Chronicles

I've just finished it. Overall it was a good series and it's dissapointing it was cancelled, Series 2 introduces some unique ideas including:

They seem to be intoducing a 3rd faction of machines that don't necessarily want to wipe out humanity and are against Skynet, but don't want to join John Connor either

Another thing it does well is the 'future' scenes, they are very well done and show some of the more insiduous practices Skynet was involved in when studying humans, almost goes a bit Matrix-ey at one point. I also liked despite the rather obviously small budget they did their best to make a believable Terminator series. The special effects are dated sure but the practical effects are very well done. I only wish they could have used more locations as for fugitives they didn't get around much!

Series 2 doesn't end on a huge cliffhanger luckily, but there are definately unresolved questions. It's a pity it's never been picked up by one of the streaming services to continue it or at least reboot it.


Watched a good film last night that I recorded.It was called JoJo Rabbit. A bit weird with it's dark humour but very enjoyable.
Watched a good film last night that I recorded.It was called JoJo Rabbit. A bit weird with it's dark humour but very enjoyable.

You might like 'Our Flag Means Death' on the iplayer then.
Watched a good film last night that I recorded.It was called JoJo Rabbit. A bit weird with it's dark humour but very enjoyable.

I saw it in the cinema. A clever movie about political indoctrination of children.
Of the many bad things about The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas, one of the worst is that the son of senior nazi, SS comander had no apparent indoctrination at school, youth clubs, bedtime reading or even with toys and games and is totally ignorant of nazi ideology.
Of the many bad things about The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas, one of the worst is that the son of senior nazi, SS comander had no apparent indoctrination at school, youth clubs, bedtime reading or even with toys and games and is totally ignorant of nazi ideology.
It's been a long time, so I checked WIki. The plot summary seems to refute your point:
Bruno, an eight-year-old German boy living in Berlin, is uprooted to rural occupied Poland with his family after his father Ralf, an SS officer, is promoted. Bruno notices a concentration camp near the back garden from his bedroom window, but believes it to be a farm; his mother Elsa forbids him from going in the back garden.

Ralf organises Herr Liszt, a private tutor, to teach Nazi propaganda and antisemitism to indoctrinate Bruno and his sister, Gretel. This combined with Gretel's crush on Lieutenant Kurt Kotler, a young colleague of her father's, makes Gretel fanatical in her support for the Nazi agenda. Bruno struggles to adjust to the rhetoric in the teaching after Pavel, a doctor-turned-family slave, comes to Bruno's aid after he sustains a minor injury.

It's hardly the perfect film to teach kids about the holocaust - but isn't there room for some variety on this topic/setting?

Are we going to ban Sound of Music due to it's distorted representations?
It's been a long time, so I checked WIki. The plot summary seems to refute your point:

It's hardly the perfect film to teach kids about the holocaust - but isn't there room for some variety on this topic/setting?

Are we going to ban Sound of Music due to it's distorted representations?

The Sound of Music is based on fact and was adapted from the memoir of the young nun. It is a true story.
TBITSP was made up by its Irish author over 2 days and although promoted as "a fable" is regarded by 75% of its millions of school age readers as true to life fact. In the book the young German boy is astonishingly untouched by nazi propaganda. It is a terrible book to introduce children to the topic and most historical authorities on the matter agree. Educational authorities and teachers seem to love it. It may be a neat story but it is a lie.


Legendary Member
Not Happy Valley. I lost interest half way through the first episode because I couldn't remember enough of the previous series to follow it. Having discovered that the last series was 6 years ago, I'm not surprised.
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