What to eat?

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Well-Known Member
Northern Ireland
I went camping a few weeks ago, for the day I had:
Porridge with lots of dried fruit & seeds & honey for breakfast.
1 Home made flapjacks & a coffee after 20 miles.
Steak dinner at 40 miles. :biggrin:
2nd flapjack at 50 miles.
Then a tin of smoked fish from Lidls in tomato pasta for dinner.

flapjacks, bananas or PB & jam do the trick, or even a snickers bar for anything 20+ miles. that's my rule :biggrin:


Pre ride its porridge with dried fruit or a banana miixed through it.
During, I make batches of the John Torode flapjack/cereal bars. Featured on the cycle show. These are reallygood.
Post ride. Really varies upon the time of the day.
Drink wise. Its Water and a sports drink

You *make* flapjacks *during* rides?!! Props :tongue:


For my century on Saturday, a bowl of porage and golden syrup before setting out, then 3 mars bars, a packet of hula hoops and a handful of haribo minions... strict rationing was required!!
The flavoured porridge sachets (golden syrup anyone?) which are quick, milk-and-microwave jobs, are far more palatable than purist porridge.
How is the flavoured sachets 'quick, milk-and-microwave jobs' different to oats + milk-and-microwave jobs with added golden syrup if that is your wont. I guess mostly price :smile:


Legendary Member
The proper stuff is much nicer and cooks better IME

That said, I don't sweeten my morning gruel, just a mix of skimmed milk and a water and chuck in microwave


Legendary Member
I like a hot breakfast...muesli always makes my jaw ache! Overnight soaking would take organisation!
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