What to eat?

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Well-Known Member
What are the best things to eat and drink before, during and after rides out?
I found myself out last night on a 34 mile ride (longest I've done) I felt great to start with but lost energy towards the end, I understand that it's new and I should expect it, but is there anything I can eat/ that can help me along for longer ride? Cheers guys/girls :o)


Middle Earth
I swear by a bowl of porridge with honey before I go out.
I don't cycle great distances (longest so far 33 miles) but carry a cereal bar and drinks with me.


Pre ride its porridge with dried fruit or a banana miixed through it.
During, I make batches of the John Torode flapjack/cereal bars. Featured on the cycle show. These are reallygood.
Post ride. Really varies upon the time of the day.
Drink wise. Its Water and a sports drink


Über Member
Nothing special for me.

I find I lose energy between 25-30 miles myself so typically eat anything at that point.

I'm starting to find it happening less though the more 30 miles becomes the normal distance.

From experience I can't have a breakfast that has no carbs otherwise I'll be stuck with an irritating headache all day.
For that sort of distance I;d just eat nomally but would take a bottle of water and maybe a flapjack/choccy bar mid way.


Senior Member
Flapjack during ride if it's 50km +. Nothing if shorter. And just water.


Senior Member
Flapjack during ride if it's 50km +. Nothing if shorter. And just water.

Yup on a decent ride...... Flapjacks for us too..... home made with sultanas,raisins & apricots(trouble is keeping the families hands off them....lol) plus a bottle with weak orange squash and just a small pinch of salt.... (we make a litre up and split it between us)


Mancunian in self imposed exile in leafy Cheshire
I tend to eat porridge oats before a ride. You can fit more oats in that way than porridge. Sees me right for 50 to 60 miles. Take some easy to eat sweets with me and possibly a banana on the ride. I don't bother if a café stop is planned.


Puzzle game procrastinator!
Always a big bowl of porridge for breakfast (including seeds, strawberries and a banana). On hilly rides up to about 35 miles, just water and OJ (1/3 OJ), roughly 0.5 litres an hour. I wouldn't need any extra food on a ride like that but if there was a cafe stop during or after the ride I would probably treat myself to a coffee and some cake.


Quite dreadful
lost somewhere
Porridge fo breakfast always. Maybe a few fig rolls during the ride. I fill my bottle with very weak lemon squash with a teaspoon of sugar and a bit of salt added.


mr poopmechanic
if you want a nice boost of energy then do it what ive done before.

Cook 100mg white long grain rice, while boiling add some sugar and stir it up. Eat it with white bread, this is literary a carb bomb but not too filling (at least for me) also carry with you some granola bars etc energy drink might come in handy but there is nothing better like good ol water to keep yourself hydrated :smile:

Berk on a Bike

Another vote here for porridge (but it does tend to seep through the pocket of my jersey - badum tish). For the ride I've variously taken flapjack, malt loaf and even a peanut butter sandwich once.
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