hello all I am new to this forum,i am 50 years old and haven't been on a bike for years I am training in muay thai and would like a bike to help with my cardio and help build strength and in endurance in my legs.what do you suggest,thank you
To me its an obvious choice.
I'm thinking of your expectations and needs here, you seem pretty dedicated to training and serious about any activity.
Anything other than a roadie will produce limitations...I suspect.
I rode an MTB, for ever... but never committed to riding in groups, riding in clubs, organised rides or formal training of any type. As soon as I bought a roadie, it opened up a whole new world to riding. I now ride every weekend (where before I could never "find" the time) I commute more regularly, ride an average of 140 miles a week, regularly do 60 mile days and have committed to regular (daily) 100 mile rides this summer.
I would never have progressed to any of this if I were on my old MTB, I'm sure of that. Even mates that I have who ride hybrids don't feel "up to" some of the bigger rides.
Many will tell you that they can and have achieved the sort of stuff that I mention and more on a tandem, or a bent or a 30 year old 531 fixed...and they are right, you can.
My problem (and it is my problem) is that unless I have a good standard of kit I don't feel that I have committed and as such shy away from engaging. If you are anything like me and you really want to train for endurance stamina and power, don't waste any time on anything other than a good quality road bike.