What is your biggest regret in life?

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Legendary Member
As the head at my daughters school pointed out to the year 11 leavers,
you'll not be judged by your wealth, success or achievements in life, but by the impact you had on others lives.

did they fall for it?


a short-tempered ill-controlled small-minded troll
screwing up my high school education as an apathetic fourteen year old... but then again, I'm a very contented fifty year old and if I could go back and do things differently, I wouldn't be where I am now and most importantly, wouldn't have the friends I have. All in all, I don't regret anything much.


68, & my GP says I will officially be old at 70!
As the head at my daughters school pointed out to the year 11 leavers,
you'll not be judged by your wealth, success or achievements in life, but by the impact you had on others lives.

The head clearly lives in a different universe to the one Inhabit - I agree with his sentiment to an extent but sadly that is not the way of the world.


If 6 Was 9
Biggest regret?
Not going to see Jimi Hendrix at the Isle of Wight festival in 1970 when I had the chance.
He died very shortly afterwards. :sad:
Tell me who it was and I'll let you know if I did or didn't share in your angst. ^_^

As if.
Not even for a mod.
long long time ago, am long long over it. Very good looking (maybe out of your league) but a total nutjob. Later married someone very well known. And later apparently involved in a well known "scandal" with a senior politician. Had my reasons (good ones) for passing on her.
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Biggest regret?
Not going to see Jimi Hendrix at the Isle of Wight festival in 1970 when I had the chance.
He died very shortly afterwards. :sad:
Not seeing the who at manchester belle view. Couldn't persuade my boring schoolpals to go. Didn't really feel like seeing them live after keith moon died.


back and brave
I bet you felt a bit daft when you realised he was right though, eh?

I've just giggled. Unfair, I know, but the truth.

I have no regrets about the sex I didn't have (or did have for that matter) nor 'chances' that I missed. My regrets, such as they aren't, are more like what-ifs. Ponderings on what might have happened if I had taken that turn rather than the other.
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