The older I get, the faster I used to be ...
Smoking - I'm now suffering the consequences.
Sorry to hear that. That would probably be my next regret, but finally managed to quit over 4 years ago. Fingers crossed.Smoking - I'm now suffering the consequences.
minors one's certainly.
ah, always a tricky call on whether to tell folk they are malignant jerks or to think, nah not worth bothering about such jerks. Must admit have got the call wrong a few times as even the most pathetic jerks can do you harm in some circumstances.I have 2. The first one is not saying NO more often and the second one is not telling people to FCUK off more than I did.(in fact I never said it to anyone) but I wish I had......a lot.
Never heard of DJ RevelationThat sounded a bit close to a 1970s DJ revelation!