What film did you watch last night?

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Babygirl - 6.5/10

Whenever films about kink in relationships (dom/sub for this one) gets a mainstream airing I'm interested to see if they get it close to right. Normally you get utter nonsense like 50 Shades of Grey (though the source material wasn't much to work with) or you get brilliance like Secretary (which is still to be bested).

This is way closer to Secretary in terms of accuracy and understanding but it's just not particularly memorable. There are a few standout scenes but overall it just feels a bit muddled which is a shame.

We had laughter in the cinema in some of the saucy scenes. Didn't play well at all.


North Shields
Nosferatu - 7/10

I'm in two minds about this. It's well paced, sinister and gloriously dark, however it's not the first adult/proper vampire film I've seen: if it was I think I'd have been a lot more impressed.

Still, it's well worth a watch and a lovely nod to old school horror in a genre which is becoming increasingly saturated with gimmicks, sequels and cautionary tales about tech. I also enjoyed having my faith in Bill Skarsgard restored after his turn in the disastrously bad Crow remake, which did nobody any favours.


Heavy Metal Fan
Just watched "Deliverance". I've seen lots of references to the film lately and thought I'd give it a go. It had 7.something on IMDb.

I would give it a 5/10. The script is a bit weird, nothing much happens. It is of it's time, and has some redeeming qualities but generally I found it quite boring. They could have done so much more with the story.


Just watched "Deliverance". I've seen lots of references to the film lately and thought I'd give it a go. It had 7.something on IMDb.

I would give it a 5/10. The script is a bit weird, nothing much happens. It is of it's time, and has some redeeming qualities but generally I found it quite boring. They could have done so much more with the story.

Glad it's not just me, I found it a bit dull when I watched it last year.


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Senior Member
Watched "Uncharted" on C4 Freeview last night.

Well enough made, famous cast but totally uninspiring. 110% predictable. Very "me too" type of adventure film. Bit of a waste of time, should have just read a book.



Charming but somewhat feckless
I went to see one of my all-time favourite movies, the classic Casablanca, at the cinema on Friday. What a treat to see it on the big screen. Ingrid Bergman is superb, Bogart plays the cynical bar owner well and Claud Rains is casting perfection as Captain Renault.

I’d post a clip here but which to choose?

”Here’s looking at you, kid.”

Watched "Uncharted" on C4 Freeview last night.

Well enough made, famous cast but totally uninspiring. 110% predictable. Very "me too" type of adventure film. Bit of a waste of time, should have just read a book.


Like me, you might be tickled by the Freeview summary of this much-overlooked movie:

(2022) Going-for-gold action adventure. Tom Holland and Mark Wahlberg compare abs while scouring the globe for an olde explorer's lost gold. The heat is on. The time is right. Only the best survive.

Sounds right up your street Ian! ;-)
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