cougie uk
Civil War
Pretty good stuff, albeit quite grim watching at times.
Yes I saw that on Amazon last night. Good film. All too plausible sadly.
Civil War
Pretty good stuff, albeit quite grim watching at times.
Babygirl - 6.5/10
Whenever films about kink in relationships (dom/sub for this one) gets a mainstream airing I'm interested to see if they get it close to right. Normally you get utter nonsense like 50 Shades of Grey (though the source material wasn't much to work with) or you get brilliance like Secretary (which is still to be bested).
This is way closer to Secretary in terms of accuracy and understanding but it's just not particularly memorable. There are a few standout scenes but overall it just feels a bit muddled which is a shame.
We had laughter in the cinema in some of the saucy scenes. Didn't play well at all.
Just watched "Deliverance". I've seen lots of references to the film lately and thought I'd give it a go. It had 7.something on IMDb.
I would give it a 5/10. The script is a bit weird, nothing much happens. It is of it's time, and has some redeeming qualities but generally I found it quite boring. They could have done so much more with the story.
'Heartbreak Ridge', with SWMBO, on Saturday night
Watched "Uncharted" on C4 Freeview last night.
Well enough made, famous cast but totally uninspiring. 110% predictable. Very "me too" type of adventure film. Bit of a waste of time, should have just read a book.