What film did you watch last night?

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Kilometre nibbler
I won't say any more in case of spoiler alert but if you haven't seen it,

This made me chuckle. I know you're probably talking about the detail of the storyline not the big event that forms the background. But all the same it still made me laugh.

I've not seen it by the way. So don't tell me what happens. Especially not the bit about the you-know-what-berg.

Oh my god, what a beautiful film Mr Cameron has made. I've seen it a few times before but not for a number of years but wow. Just wow. The music, the graphics, the tension, the story.

I really don't know know how to describe it. It's a mixture of emotions culminating into... Well, I won't say any more in case of spoiler alert but if you haven't seen it, or even if you have, then make some time to watch it soon. A fantastic, super-fantastic film.

If you dont have time to see the whole movie, French and Saunders have an abridged version.



Watched the Austrian film, Corsage, at the cinema. Historical drama about the Empress of Austria. Really enjoyed it but it's a bit odd. Either didn't have the budget or were making a style statement by leaving stuff like fire alarms on show. A scene in Northamptonshire is clearly a rural house in Austria or Hungary. It's quite a sad film. Limited release but worth a watch when it inevitably comes round on Film 4.


Legendary Member
Escape from Mogadishu.

Set in 90's Somalia, a story of the problems facing the North and South Korean embassy staff attempting to flee the country when rebels attack the capital, Mogadishu. Forced to cooperate to make their escape, the film explores their cultural and political differences, and brings them into a thriller style movie - lots of shooting, car chases, some nasty violence.

Sad to report, in my opinion, the film failed. Too long, too much 'thriller' element, and it failed to expand and explore what the film was really about, that is, the differences between the two Koreas, and the relationships amongst the Koreans involved. Only a 5/10 from me.

Edit: On reflection changed score from 3/10 to 5/10
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Saw The Enforcer last night. Antonio Banderas as a crime bosses thug who turns on his employer. It's a lightweight Equaliser/Taken type thing but not a patch on either. Banderas lifts it above B movie status but nothing special really. Next up will probably be 'Megan' - toy doll where the AI develops a mind of its own.
Starring with Bruce Willis and Gina Carano this is a "by the numbers" martial arts/ spy thriller for people who aren't very good at counting.

captain nemo1701

Space cadet. Deck 42 Main Engineering.
Went to see Avatar 2. Whilst visually quite stunning and wonderful underwater sequences, its a bloated film with a few plot holes and some stuff isn't explained fully (which may be in no 3). Way too long, could have been trimmed a bit. The story is a bit thin and there's the predictable final showdown which sets up the next one. Star Trek squeezes more plot into a 45 minute episode.


Firm and Fruity
Went to see Avatar 2. Whilst visually quite stunning and wonderful underwater sequences, its a bloated film with a few plot holes and some stuff isn't explained fully (which may be in no 3). Way too long, could have been trimmed a bit. The story is a bit thin and there's the predictable final showdown which sets up the next one. Star Trek squeezes more plot into a 45 minute episode.

The funniest review I heard was that it’s the best 3 star film you’ll ever see.

It’s very impressive on a technical basis but other than that it has little to offer and certainly doesn’t move cinema forward.
Bowling for Columbine. Still packs a punch.
Potent film undermined (for me) by the fact that Michael Moore gets on my wick. That's my problem, not the film. He just rubs me up the wrong way for no particular reason.

I get that. He winds people up for sure, just does it in the right way in this film, confrontational against the gun lobby, might just be the only way, if there will ever be a way?
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