What film did you watch last night?

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The World is Not Enough.

My daughter: What film are you about to watch?
Me: Oh, it's an old James Bond.
Her: Which one.
Me: Um...not sure.
Her: Which Bond is it?
Me: Don't know. Does it make a difference?

It didn't. Did what it said on the tin. Quite enjoyed it. I generally do.


a short-tempered ill-controlled small-minded troll
last night was film night...
1: Quatermass & the Pit... Hammer's remake of the 50's TV serial... good but not as good as the TV show.
2: Doomwatch... 1972 film based on the BBC TV series of the same name. Average/slow.
3: Flash Gordon... ahhh AHHH... yep... the one that Queen did the music for (well, some of it)... camp as a row of tents. Brian Blessed at his bellowing best... Max Von Sydow at his most evil... Timothy Dalton with a tash and Peter Duncan with his clothes on... and that bloke in the lead role who no-one remembers because he wasn't that memorable.... and Princess Aura :wub:
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welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
last night was film night...
1: Quatermass & the Pit... Hammer's remake of the 50's TV serial... good but not as good as the TV show.
2: Doomwatch... 1972 film based on the BBC TV series of the same name. Average/slow.
3: Flash Gordon... ahhh AHHH... yep... the one that Queen did the music for (well, some of it)... camp as a row of tents. Brian Blessed at his bellowing best... Max Von Sydow at his most evil... Timothy Dalton with a tash and Peter Duncan with his clothes on... and that bloke in the lead role who no-one remembers because he wasn't that memorable.... and Princess Aura :wub:

Mr WD said the original quatermass and the pit was better as well. I don't remember it.:whistle: no seriously i never saw it.


Senior Member
Last night i watched Dog Soldiers and Big Bad Wolves,an Israeli revenge flic.very good too.


12 angry men. An interesting watch.For one thing, to see such an 'un-cinematographic' film - pretty much the whole thing takes place in real time, in one room, with an unchanging cast of characters. Very theatrical, not to say stagey. So - it all comes down to dialogue. And secondly, because of its dramatic simplicity. It's clear from a very early stage exactly where we're headed, and we get there with not a twist or a turn en route. I don't think anyone would dare make such a 'straight' movie these days - it has a guilelessness and a lack of 'smarts' that I'm not sure a modern audience would tolerate. A real period piece. Certainly worth watching tho'.


North Shields
Last week was pretty good for film viewing.

Hot Fuzz - Very funny, but not quite as good as Sean of the Dead. Features an excellent British cast, some brilliant jokes and inventive action sequences. 6/10

A Film with Me In It - Sort of an Irish Shallow Grave with a bit of a twist. Dylan Moran is in it, performing his shambolic drunkard routine very well. 7/10

Blindness - Having loved the book, I was a bit dubious about this. In fact I'd not realised it had been made! The author of the book, Jose Saramago, allegedly loves it. I'm not as convinced. It's interestingly shot but that's about it for me. 4/10
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