What film did you watch last night?

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Leg End Member
It was supposed to be a comedy, about a grave robber lamenting on his past dealings.
Not worth the wait.

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
I read the book life of pi when it came out many years ago. I struggled through it right to the end but to be honest found it really boring. My oldest grandson says he enjoyed the film very much.


In Time.

A decent dystopian premise and not a bad cast, but all in all a bit of a missed opportunity. Visually it looked a bit cheap and Seyfried seemed to go for a comic book performance, whereas the others played it straight.

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
Rear Window. With James Stewart & Grace Kelly
The one where he's a broken leg & notices his neighbour over the way mudering his wife.

James Stewart plays a broken leg?


North Shields
Dracula prince of Darkness (1966)... classic Hammer house of Horror, bad acting, bad story line, but an enjoyable watch and to think when I was younger this type of film scared the Cr@p out me :evil:

Probably the best of the Hammer Dracula films. Good choice!

Not a film, but I watched the last episode of the second series of The Following last night. It is deliriously stupid and predictable, but still good fun.

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
Probably the best of the Hammer Dracula films. Good choice!

Not a film, but I watched the last episode of the second series of The Following last night. It is deliriously stupid and predictable, but still good fun.

I gave up on that. I could see it being one of those series that goes on forever, with no ending.



Ashton Kutcher movie. Intended to explore the darker side of the Hollywood dream, I suppose, but seems a bit lacking in conviction and not really seedy enough. Fourth rate Brett Easton Ellis. Anne Heche does her best, but doesn't really get enough to work with.
The 100-Year-Old Man Who Climbed Out the Window and Disappeared is a Swedish film (from the book with the same title by Jonas Jonasson). The book has been translated into English and, if the film is anything to go by, would be a good read.

What surprised me with the film was that it was actually very funny and clever. Humour and Sweden aren't words that are usually found in the same sentence. ;)
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