What film did you watch last night?

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a short-tempered ill-controlled small-minded troll
Dracula prince of Darkness (1966)... classic Hammer house of Horror, bad acting, bad story line, but an enjoyable watch and to think when I was younger this type of film scared the Cr@p out me :evil:
I never could understand why, when allowed to stay up and watch the Hammer Horror Double Bill.... us kids would be scared stiff whilst the adults sat there sniggering. "Why aren't you crapping yourselves !?!?" ... might have to book Psychomania in for tonight's viewing choice for a nostalgic giggle :biggrin:


Über Member
New Forest
Loose Cannons, an Italian family drama about conforming in a tight community. With a bit of the Bird cage in there as well. Very funny.
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welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
Cloud atlas. Yes there are shades of soylent green, but the film was excellent, although it was a bit to long at 2 1/2 hours. 8/10


a short-tempered ill-controlled small-minded troll
Cloud atlas. Yes there are shades of soylent green, but the film was excellent, although it was a bit to long at 2 1/2 hours. 8/10

might give it a go, I'm intrigued. :smile:

Last night i watched The Surviver (1981). Robert Powell and Jenny Agutter in possibly their worst starring roles, not a bad James Herbert story, not very well translated to film... I'm sure the book was better. 4/10

Tonight i watched They Came From Beyond Space (1967)... brill brill brill, daft, camp, groovy soundtrack, some great sets and FX, some shoddy props and FX, and made in Twickenham... what more could one want? 7/10


The Longest Day. It was certainly The Longest Film...I fell asleep half way through, woke up half an hour later, but hey ho, don't suppose I missed any crucial plot developments...


Über Member
Oh I cant watch this any longer

Kevin Bacon as a bicycle messenger


Its terrible 'Quicksilver'


welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
The pelican brief starring Julia Roberts and Denzil Washington. A classic film showing that corruption, greed, the lust for power, murder and mayhem, is alive and thriving in America as it is in other countries. And big companies and the government is at the heart of it.

This film is well worth watching for although it is a work of fiction, the storyline is a bit to close for comfort, and even though this film is a few years old now, it's still as relevant today as it's ever been. 8/10.
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