What film did you watch last night?

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North Shields
Tarantino desperately needs someone to stand up to him, imo. The films of his I've seen post Jackie Brown are a mixture of interesting ideas and preposterous chuff that should never have got onto the shooting schedule. I think I'm in a minority, but I yawned my way through Kill Bill, and detested Inglorious Basterds. I have Django on "my list" but just don't know if I can be bothered, frankly.

Absolutely bang on. Kill Bill was a bore-fest (though I did like the Crazy 88 fight) and Basterds was pretentious twaddle. Death Proof was only good because of Kurt Russell.

Django is alright, but not much more than that.


Shutter Island. Rather clever. And well done. A good solid 8/10.

John the Monkey

Frivolous Cyclist
Fast and Furious 6

Possibly my favourite of the series so far. The car based nonsense you've come to expect, but bigger, and more preposterous still. And with a tank, at times. The addition of Gina Carano and Joe Taslim means that the film has some properly excellent fights too. It builds nicely on the themes of the crew as family set up in prior films, pitting it against a rival ethos, and also ties into the events of the third film (Tokyo Drift). Hugely enjoyable.


Never used Über Member
We saw Survivor, the new Milla Jovovic film at the cinema today. Wasn't bad, although it took far too long to get going. Pierce Brosnan co-stars.
I won't even attempt to explain the under developed plot...

Mind you, as me and Mrs ND made up a third of the audience in the showing we went to, it looks set to be one to see on DVD.

John the Monkey

Frivolous Cyclist
Also, The Spirit.

Tonally confused, overlong (particular scenes just seem to go on, and on, and on), unlikeable characters, and the ladies in it will catch their death of cold.


North Shields
Dawn of the Plant of the Apes - 9/10

Picks up where Rise left off and goes for it big style. A seriously intelligent and emotionally involving film. It's going to be a long wait for the next one which if it's as good as the first two will be impressive.


My Armchair
Watched Switchblade Romance the other night, had it on DVD for a while but only just got round to watching it.

There was lots of switchblade action but not too much romance ^_^



Senior Member
Watched Switchblade Romance the other night, had it on DVD for a while but only just got round to watching it.

There was lots of switchblade action but not too much romance ^_^


Never did like this title,much preferred its real one Haute Tension.Incidently i loved it.


Never used Über Member
The Purge: Anarchy
Enjoyable nonsense, although quite violent for the 15 certificate (not sure how violent a film has to be nowadays to get an 18 certificate???).
For my money, better than the first in the series.


Senior Member
The Purge: Anarchy
Enjoyable nonsense, although quite violent for the 15 certificate (not sure how violent a film has to be nowadays to get an 18 certificate???).
For my money, better than the first in the series.

I loved Anarchy,and as you said an improvemnet over the first movie,which i also liked.


Quite dreadful
lost somewhere
Road, a documentary film about the Dunlops, a famous family of motorbike road racers from Northern Ireland. The bike cam footage of them weaving round country lanes at 180 mph+ was jaw dropping, but it was the riders that I found fascinating. They came across as quite modest and not particularly interested in fame and fortune, although keen to win. They accepted the horrendous risks and realised that they were being selfish but just couldn't stop doing what they loved. Worth watching even if you have no great interest in motorbikes.
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