Unbroken. Movie about a POW held by the Japanese during WW2. The POW was a former Olympic athlete who got beat up a lot by the Japanese bad guy camp commander. To me it was like a mix of Memphis Belle, Castaway and The Railway Man. It got a little slow in places but some nice scenery and decent special effects helped.
Saw this last night, I thought it was dreadful. Obviously an interesting guy; Zamperini, Italian American bad kid makes good, runs in Olympics, plane crashes during wartime, cast adrift, picked up by Japanese, treated in the most appalling and brutal fashion, survives, reunited with family, makes peace with most guards, carries Olympic torch in Japan, ends.
Angelina Jolie directs this Coen Brothers film and if she'd have got out of her own way and told the whole story it could have the makings of an interesting film rather than one where she's showing off her skills as someone who know what a film should look like. She concentrates most of her efforts on the Japanese camps and the film seems twice as long as it is, and it's a long film, there's just scene after scene of endless brutality.
1.5 stars out of 5. Get someone who's not interested in massaging your ego to road test the one you direct before you unleash it on the public.
Spare us another Japanese war camp film...