What film did you watch last night?

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Evidence based cyclist
I saw The Equalizer at the cinema last night. Very enjoyable, and Denzel lends enough gravitas to the role to lift it above typical no-brain action.

The main antagonist is pleasingly evil as well.

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
I saw The Equalizer at the cinema last night. Very enjoyable, and Denzel lends enough gravitas to the role to lift it above typical no-brain action.

The main antagonist is pleasingly evil as well.

He can't possibly be as good ad Edward woodwardwardwardward though


The Angels' Share - a Ken Loach, set in Glasgow. Bitter-sweet comedy set in a world a million miles from mine, tho' in the same country. Really enjoyed it.


Dogma. Enjoyed it, particularly for the slackers and Alan Rickman playing Alan Rickman very well. (Does anyone else do 'dry' quite like AR?) A bit surprised it never brought some redneck evangelistic shitstorm down in the mid-west.


a short-tempered ill-controlled small-minded troll
T'other night i watched Sin City: A Dame to Kill For.

it's part prequel part sequel to Sin City... more of the same stuff, very watchable but I'd give it 1 point less than Sin City. I reckon I'll buy the DVD when it comes out.

just jim

Watched "Goon" the other night, I'd go with this review: "Liberally peppered with profanities and comedic hockey-related violence, Goon finds plenty to laugh at in the coarse words and antics of athletes."

John the Monkey

Frivolous Cyclist
First of the day was "Mockingjay" - pretty decent for a big budget blockbuster.

Then "Potiche", which seemed to me to be rather frothy and insubstantial, but a lot of fun nonetheless. Catherine Deneuve is splendid, and the supporting cast, though overshadowed somewhat, very good as well. A few chuckles, rather than loads of belly laughs.

"Kill List" is next on the bill.

A bit of a change in pace.


It's a bleedin' miracle!
Rorke's Drift
Tried out the new TV and speakers with "The Good, The Bad and The Ugly".
It's still one of the best soundtracks ever
Eli Wallach, he had some great lines in this film. When Clint goes into the Sheriff's office and the Sheriff comes out; " Who the hell is that? One b*stard goes in, and another b*stard comes out."
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