What English expression do you hate the most?

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Über Member
I fill them out as a 90+ year old disabled one legged trans Japanese Jewish man. If everyone replied with meaningless drivel they'd soon stop asking.

What am interesting mixed background you have there Drago......as if being Scots isn't enough?
(Of course in reality it's usually used to have a sly dig e.g.
"I would have thought that it would be quicker for you to come on the M40."

Criticising someone's navigation and journey planning; possibly the most British sly dig ever...


One that has come from nowhere over the last couple of years is “My Bad” what on earth does that even mean? seems like it’s used as a substitute for “apologies, that was my fault” anyway, as it seems to be generally used by hipster types half my age it gets right up my hooter!
One that has come from nowhere over the last couple of years is “My Bad”

Pretty much synonymous with 'mea culpa' which, what with being Latin, makes it quite old really.

Shakespeare used it in one of the sonnets (verbatim):
'For what care I who calls me well or ill,
So you o’er-green my bad, my good allow?'

Heavily used in 'Buffy the vampire slayer' too - multiple times per episode iirc - so maybe that's the rather more recent origin?


Kilometre nibbler
Pretty much synonymous with 'mea culpa' which, what with being Latin, makes it quite old really.

Shakespeare used it in one of the sonnets (verbatim):
'For what care I who calls me well or ill,
So you o’er-green my bad, my good allow?'

Heavily used in 'Buffy the vampire slayer' too - multiple times per episode iirc - so maybe that's the rather more recent origin?

I didn't realise it was so old. I thought it was a recent coinage.

My bad.


South Wales
One that has come from nowhere over the last couple of years is “My Bad” what on earth does that even mean? seems like it’s used as a substitute for “apologies, that was my fault” anyway, as it seems to be generally used by hipster types half my age it gets right up my hooter!

I've been hearing it for a lot more than just the last couple of years, and not just by "hipster types", or even only people half my age (I'm 66).


Legendary Member
Have we had "Fly high" when someone dies? Or "Over rainbow bridge" when a pet cat or dog dies? 🤔

In my day "rainbow bridge" was called "flushed down the toilet."

Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
One that has come from nowhere over the last couple of years is “My Bad” what on earth does that even mean? seems like it’s used as a substitute for “apologies, that was my fault” anyway, as it seems to be generally used by hipster types half my age it gets right up my hooter!

Me too! I hate it!! 🧐


One that has come from nowhere over the last couple of years is “My Bad” what on earth does that even mean? seems like it’s used as a substitute for “apologies, that was my fault” anyway, as it seems to be generally used by hipster types half my age it gets right up my hooter!

Gotta fess up I don't like it either, like, you know what I'm saying man!


Legendary Member
Not so much an expression but an insult.

I hate the term "Gammon" used as an insult.

Being Jewish I find it slightly distasteful, but could live with that alone - the world doesn't revolve around me and mine.

Direct an insult at anyone else based on their appearance and you'd be accused of being an "ist" of some kind, and rightly so, and this is really no different.

And on top of all that it simply playground level juvenile name-calling. The type that trot it out think they're clever and cackle along with their narrow minded friends, when all they're doing is celebrating puerlie behaviour that they themselves would condemn in any other context.

It makes my skin crawl.
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