What does your desk tell us about you?

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jonny jeez

jonny jeez

Legendary Member
Today I had my office window open:sun:. View attachment 8032
that's a tough one, there's nothing to work with there just a couple of bic biros and a torch...

so you are a sailing writer who's scared of the dark?!
jonny jeez

jonny jeez

Legendary Member
ok *deep breath* > currently on the phone hence the lead across the desk

ooo I like this one.

-Water bottle suggest a cyclist (that probably a given for all entries though!)
-You are frugal...or very busy...or care what you eat, as you take a packed lunch to work
-A smoker (hence the gum).
-you are a new parent...(Congrats!)
-Right handed
-left side of the brain for using the phone (rational, analytical)
-PEBKAK desktop suggests you work in IT
-headset on opposite desk suggest you work on the phone...perhaps IT support
-dont know who AN EMPIRE are, but am sure thats a giveaway
-no business cars or holder, so office based work I suspect (supports the above)
-Cant see what the black things are...are they bike lights on charge?
-you listen to music while you work...which kinda rules out IT support, but I'm going to ignore that


Legendary Member
I'm sorry, but most of what I've seen so far are work stations.

Your employers and colleagues may tell you that you have got a desk, but they're just humouring you.

This is a desk

Although this one looks fun

Now to find a cycling related desk.


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Nr Cambridge
Well, we all know what a box of tissues next to a computer means, don't we? ;)

That I commute early in the morning & the building's heating is on when I get into the office ^_^


Well-Known Member
Redhill, Surrey
ooo I like this one.

-Water bottle suggest a cyclist (that probably a given for all entries though!)
-You are frugal...or very busy...or care what you eat, as you take a packed lunch to work - frugal/broke
-A smoker (hence the gum). -no just like to chew
-you are a new parent...(Congrats!)yep and thanks
-Right handed yes
-left side of the brain for using the phone (rational, analytical) mm possibly its just there due to cable length and i like my bottles on the right ( protein shake after commute and all that)
-PEBKAK desktop suggests you work in IT yea techsupport :tongue:
-headset on opposite desk suggest you work on the phone...perhaps IT support Bingo!
-dont know who AN EMPIRE are, but am sure thats a giveaway tis a joke flip board has lots funy phrases ( had just falling over as i took the pic) - it says in full rome did not create an empire by having meetings - they did it by killing all those who opposed them
-no business cars or holder, so office based work I suspect (supports the above) yep dont want ppl knowing my number :tongue:
-Cant see what the black things are...are they bike lights on charge? yep my lezyne superdrive lights
-you listen to music while you work...which kinda rules out IT support, but I'm going to ignore that headphones are for lunch time when i watch tv or a movie streamed from my home server :becool:
jonny jeez

jonny jeez

Legendary Member
Ok then you are a 60 year old designer with an interest in scale models, cranes, design artifacts and historic buildings.

That all suggests that you are an architect...but I dont think you are I think you are a product designer, possibly in the engineering trade.
jonny jeez

jonny jeez

Legendary Member
Lets see what you guys make of this... if I remember I'll take a cam into work tomorrow to pick up more detail.

View attachment 8043

So...Why did you move the pink pants from on top of the monitors...interesting, what's that telling us?
-Apple device, suggests you work in a creative medium
-Desktops suggest an interest in astonomy
-Comfy headphones suggest long term use...perhaps professionally
-Back up drive suggests large, valuable files being created (perhaps image/video based)
-Dual monitors supports this theory
-Notepad and pencils at the ready suggests a need to make notes frequently, its location in front of the monitor suggests the notes are related to what is on the monitor
-Right handed
-upside down mug suggests fear of spiders

-Are you a technician...perhaps in IT:thumbsup:

-Elastic band ball suggests a fair amount of incoming mail/bundled documents. So perhaps you edit scripts as well.

- oh and you drink black coffee (instant) with two sugars... frequently
-Work a lot on the keyboard, judging by the wear on the desk
-use a traditional desk but modern tools which suggest you are either 40+ or live at home and are in your 20's
-you wear pink pants but prefer to go commando in the office!
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