What does your desk tell us about you?

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jonny jeez

jonny jeez

Legendary Member
And the mug handle...unless he holds his mug like a glass
Nope right handed, but if I place the mug on the right it interferes with my mouse (or at least I fear it will and cause a spill) the position of the phone is irrelevant as I use a headset for most calls...I like to be mobile, to walk and talk and to also be able to continue to work with both hands as I talk. If I ever use the handset its probably for a personal or relaxed call when I like to lean back and put my feet up in the opposite corner of my desk and look out the window, hence the location of the phone.


Ok then you are a 60 year old designer with an interest in scale models, cranes, design artifacts and historic buildings.

That all suggests that you are an architect...but I dont think you are I think you are a product designer, possibly in the engineering trade.
Blimey! Product design engineer is what I trained as and for the most part have earned my living from. I've a while to go before I'm 60 though. Otherwise, spot on.


Nr Cambridge
So...Why did you move the pink pants from on top of the monitors...interesting, what's that telling us?
It's a micro fibre cloth. It's telling you I used it yesterday but dry today. It's put up there so the warmth of the monitors dries it off.

-Apple device, suggests you work in a creative medium
IT software & hardware support in natural science (astronomical physics). Macs seem to be HUGE in professional astronomy, go to a meeting & about 70% of the laptops are Apple. For this reason have a Mac as my main desktop.

-Desktops suggest an interest in astonomy
I work in an astronomy department. However the backdrop is actually a red herring here. I have about 150 images which cycle around randomly, about 10 are astronomy related.

-Comfy headphones suggest long term use...perhaps professionally
It's a cheap 'gaming' head set actually. I use Skype to support users when they're off site & visiting other institutions.

-Back up drive suggests large, valuable files being created (perhaps image/video based)
Backup drive? You mean the small silver box under the monitor? That's my mac mini, my main desktop. The under the desk is a dead old G5 PowerMac used for spares by it's sister machine.

-Dual monitors supports this theory
Dual monitors is for coding & trouble shooting. The smaller monitor tends to get used for reference materials, larger one is the work monitor.

-Notepad and pencils at the ready suggests a need to make notes frequently, its location in front of the monitor suggests the notes are related to what is on the monitor
Note pad is a work log & sits the opposite side of the keyboard to the mouse. I swap the mouse/work log over once a week to keep my RSI down.

-Right handed
Kind of ambidextrous actually. I can write equally badly with both my left & right hands. Most tasks I have a dominant hand but it fairly unpredictable as to which hand has dominance for a give task.

-upside down mug suggests fear of spiders
Note to self - Upside down = clean, right way up = dirty.

-Are you a technician...perhaps in IT:thumbsup:
Would you have looked in my profile? :laugh:

-Elastic band ball suggests a fair amount of incoming mail/bundled documents. So perhaps you edit scripts as well.
Close. The receptionist, bless her heart, organizes my mail into my various 'hats' so too speak. She then ties the corresponding mail together with elastic bands. There's about 9 months worth of elastic bands there.

- oh and you drink black coffee (instant) with two sugars... frequently
Kind of that's coffee of the left & Horlicks on the right.

-Work a lot on the keyboard, judging by the wear on the desk
Yeah, kind of comes with the job

-use a traditional desk but modern tools which suggest you are either 40+ or live at home and are in your 20's
Early 30s actually. The furniture is a red herring. Us IT bods get the bottom of the barrel hand-me-down furniture. No new stuff for us just the hand me downs. It's only because of occ-health that I have a new (kneeling) chair rather than what ever was available at the time.

-you wear pink pants but prefer to go commando in the office!
Wrong on both counts! :tongue:
jonny jeez

jonny jeez

Legendary Member
-Are you a technician...perhaps in IT:thumbsup:
Would you have looked in my profile?:laugh:

I thought it only fair to add the wink!

up until I did I thought you were a video author /editor


Nr Cambridge
-Are you a technician...perhaps in IT:thumbsup:
Would you have looked in my profile?:laugh:

I thought it only fair to add the wink!

up until I did I thought you were a video author /editor
I saw your original unedited post but then got on with something else before replying. I thought I'd throw most people with just my desk.


Bike rack and desk combined

And your boss doesn't even have to find you a chair!

Is that desk available in carbon fibre?


  • Bicycle%2BDesk7.jpe
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  • Bicycle%2BDesk7.jpe
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The guy's just plying his trade.
It would look classy with a chipboard veneer! (And, no, I'm not playing wood games with you :tongue:)
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