What do you eat before a ride

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Rainbows aren't just for world champions
Northern Ireland
my lack of explicitly saying what I meant is an issue, and my naivity to think that fat that goes into my body will replace that which has been burned off is seemingly wrong.
Why would you replace the fat you burn off?(or more to the point why would it be a worry?), that is generally the point of exercise. If you've been doing an activity long enough you'd probably be seeking carbohydrates to replenish glycogen.


Why would you replace the fat you burn off?, that is generally the point of exercise. If you've been doing an activity long enough you'd probably be seeking carbohydrates to replenish glycogen.

If cycling/exercising for pleasure not to lose weight/fat?

And would consuming fat replenish glycogen?


Ohhhh I was planning my route this morning the road I will be going along us really tough going :/
Porridge is al right if its made right but I prefer simpler cereal when heading out (Wheetabix minis preferably or plain wheetabix). I might also have a pre ride banana and prehydrate if its an intensive ride. On the ride I prefer lightly diluted juice to water it, again it depends on intensity/ length as to how much I take a short sub 1h low tempo commute Ill take none but on a intensive sub 1 training ride I will. I also add sugar and salt to the bottle if its or an energy drink if its intensive and will carry another banana/ cereal bar or two.


Well-Known Member
Great Yarmouth
I usually wake up and have some times porridge other times cereal something like weetabix or fruit and fibre.
With it ill have most of the time a banana. Wait for it to settle then head of out with bottle of water :smile:


Seems porridge is the most popular how did I not know this lol


Well-Known Member
Yep, porridge and a banana for me. Mind you if its just a 10 miler don't worry too much, longer rides its worth fuelling up I've found - not that I've been doing this long...


West Somerset
I'm not a porridge fan - I usually have muesli for breakfast, ride or no ride.

Personally, I find that my energy levels are linked to how balanced my diet is rather than focussing on the science of protein shakes etc. If I've not been eating much fruit and veg and not had enough water to drink the day or two before a ride, long or short, I really feel it in my legs.

I should point out that although I clock up a decent mileage, it's not done at a particularly fast pace (10-12mph) so my experience is worthless if you're built for speed, not comfort.
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