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North Wales
Jim_Noir said:
Horse shoot is biodegradable, Dog shoot isn't. Dog shoot contains Toxacara Canis,which is very bad for Humans, Horse shoot doesn't contain this.
+ 1

Horses are not meat eaters, their droppings are perfectly safe so dont let them scare you;)

Shared use cyclepaths are generally just that....the clue is in the name.And are a damn sight safer than roads so id learn to live and let live.

And iv found training people and kids to take shoes off before coming in the house is a great carpet saver:biggrin:
Sittingduck said:
How on Earth did you not see a pool of 2 foot high cow dung? :biggrin:;)

I did see it, but it was getting dark and it was at the entrance to a field and looked just like a bit of mud where the tractors had gone in... So I thought it's a mountain bike, it can handle it, might be a nice shortcut... Didn't realise what it was till it was getting deeper and I lost momentum right in the middle of it, leaving me stranded in said pool of shite... Puddleglum was highly amused, half my gear ended up in the bin and it took 2 hours in the freezing cold to get the bike back to looking like a bike (several weeks to get rid of residue smell). Fortunately it was dark by the time I had waded out and we were only about a mile from home, so at least the few walkers still out didn't see the state of me, they probably just wondered where the sudden stench had come from!


A Velocipedian
Arch said:
You'd need to check the legal definition of the path. It may be painted up as cycle/ped, but still be also a bridleway.

I agree with live and let live. I'd rather be dodging a bit of fairly harmless horse poo than broken glass, or dog poo. Also, since we cyclists can use bridlepaths if we wish, and the horse lobby can be fairly powerful, I see them as sort of 'on our side' and potentially a useful ally.


back and brave
Try stopping one of our dogs eating it! He seemingly loves the stuff. Won't touch cow shoot though, he's obviously very discerning. I was concerned at first, it upset my sensibilities, but after a google on the subject I discovered just what Jim here says...

Jim_Noir said:
when your Dog eats Horse and coo shoot let them, it is very good for them and full of all the vitimins and minrals a Dog needs

He has been known to eat his own crap but that's another story. :thumbsup:

But back to the subject; I'm another in the 'live and let live' camp. I realise it's unpleasant... but that's about all. Easy for me to say as I'm used to it now; I get confronted with it all across the road sometimes! The local farmers will move their cattle about!!
basically, it'd be a little more pleasent if horse riders carried a folding shovel with them to just scoop the horse crap off to the side of the trail and into the hedge row / passing open top BMW ;) ) out of the way so that there isn't a huge pile of it to ride through.


Legendary Member
Somewhere flat
Black Sheep said:
basically, it'd be a little more pleasent if horse riders carried a folding shovel with them to just scoop the horse crap off to the side of the trail and into the hedge row / passing open top BMW B) ) out of the way so that there isn't a huge pile of it to ride through.

Genius plan ;)


Sittingduck said:
Genius plan B)

You say that because you dont drive one! :smile:

Actually, mine isnt a soft top... ;)

*note to self..... keep windows up near horse sh%t if you see Sitting Ducks or Black Sheep nearby*


Wiltshire, UK
Black Sheep said:
basically, it'd be a little more pleasent if horse riders carried a folding shovel with them to just scoop the horse crap off to the side of the trail and into the hedge row / passing open top BMW :whistle: ) out of the way so that there isn't a huge pile of it to ride through.

I doubt whether most horse riders are even aware that their steed is crapping all over the path, let alone stop to shovel it aside. Recently a couple of horses crapped all over the pavement, just down the road to me and did the riders stop to shovel it into the road, did they hell as like! :sad:


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
wilko said:
I doubt whether most horse riders are even aware that their steed is crapping all over the path, let alone stop to shovel it aside. Recently a couple of horses crapped all over the pavement, just down the road to me and did the riders stop to shovel it into the road, did they hell as like! :smile:

It's more or less impossible to tell if they are having a crap, since they can do so and still walk (or trot) normally. Although they have to stop for a wee.

And getting on and off is bit more of a pain than on a bike, esp if like me, you're not all that supple or you're on a tall horse.

There are plenty of people who'd like a bit of free manure for their gardens....

If you can't avoid a pile of horse poo, then either the path is very narrow, the horse is elephant sized, or you haven't learned to steer...
Interesting case in Bath Blackpool andYork where operators of horse drawn carriages have clearing up after he as part of the license. In each case there were moves to make "nappies" compulsory unless they (literally) cleaned up their act

Perhaps this is the answer?

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