Mind if I join you guys and girls in this thread? I need to make a firm declaration of intent and to post regular updates to keep my mind focused on getting the weight to go down.
About this time last year, I peaked at around 18 stone. I'm 6'5. Over the last year, since I started cycling again my weight has bobbed up and down all over the place, but has steadily come down to around the 17 stone mark (which I consider to be my normal weight having fluctuated up and back to this a few times in the last few years). I've really enjoyed the cycling over the last year and although my legs and lungs have definitely become stronger, I do think my weight is now holding me back from improving further - particularly on the steeper hills.
My biggest weakness, I'd say, is comfort eating (and drinking). I work some pretty full on hours and have a pretty stressful role. When the pressure gets piled on, I revert to type, and eat way too much and pick out all the wrong foods that I just know begin the downward spiral. The specific challenges that I find I need to resist every day are: I have to drive past 2 MacDonalds Drive Throughs on my drive to work. My work then has a canteen that serves sausages, bacon and eggs from 7.30 - 10.00 (as well as other healthier options), then from 12.00 to 2.00 there is a full lunch menu which always has chips on offer which call out my name when I arrive. My work colleagues always have chocolates and biscuits on general offer in the office - unlike most normal people, I seem unable to 'just have one'. If I have one I'm quickly back for two more and then back for another 2 before long. In the evenings it's then all too easy to have a few cans of beer and to eat more than is needed.
So here goes...
Declaration of Intent
This morning I weigh 17 stone and 1 pound.
I intend to achieve a target weight of 16 stone by the end of July. This would be lower than I've been for over a decade. I'm sure 1 stone doesn't seem that much to many people, but I will consider it to be a massive achievement. Once, I've done it, I'll then decide whether I want to go further or not. The deadline is just under 15 weeks away, so this is a nice simple 1 pound a week - a very steady and very achievable target. I find that if I lose weight too quickly, my will power soon fails and it all piles on again, therefore this is as much about changing my habits and losing the weight steadily than it is about any type of 'The Biggest Loser' full on and fast approach.
Cycling will really help with this. I've steadily picked up the mileage over the last 12 months, starting from very short, flat trips along the canal bank all the way up to hilly 100km routes. I generally ride around 3 or 4 times a week. A couple of commutes (12 miles each way) to a train station before catching the train into the office, and then a longer ride at the weekend. This has made a big difference to my physique - my weight has dropped some, but I know a lot of fat has turned to muscle as well.
For me this is primarily about fitness. I would like to be able to ride faster and stop being the back marker on the hills all the time! When you notice you are faster downhills than everyone without even pedalling, and slowest uphills when your heart is pounding hard, then there's too much excess baggage around your waist!!
I look forward to posting the progress.