Potsy I always found stopping myself from scoffing chocolate and junk food very difficult, cycling on its own doesnt make me lose weight it just makes me fitter.
What helped me was when I finally managed to stop smoking after 30 years of smoking 20 - 40 a day I realised that I did have the willpower to do whatever I wanted as stopping smoking was the hardest thing I have ever done in my life.
How I control what I eat is I note every single thing I eat, I use this website ->
CLICK ME as it makes it nice and easy by working out what you calorie limit is for the day and has a huge database of foods with all the calorie values so I dont have to work it all out, also when you do excerise it factors it in and adjusts you daily limit. What this does for me is lets me see exactly how many calories I am consuming and shows me where I am going wrong.
It works for me because it is a very simple principle eat less calories and excerise more and you will loose weight.
I only tend to do this over spring/summer/autumn and as a result I gain weight over winter. After xmas I was fluctuating between 13 stone and 13 stone 3lbs I managed to get it down a bit until I restarted listing my calorie intake, as of today I weigh just over 12 stone 2 lbs since the 23/3/2011 I have lost around 8 lbs
Things I dont eat regularly are:
Burger King
Coffee with cafine
Cornettos or any of these hi calorie ice creams
Easter Eggs
Chocolate Bars & Sweets
High Calorie Breakfast Cereals
Soft Drinks
Only allowed Fish & Chips once per week
Of course I have the odd biscuit when offered.
Today I fancied an ice cream so I had a Del Monte Mango Smoothy Ice Cream at 98 calories and it was lovely and better than something that is probably 3 times the calories. I eat Brunch Bars at 160 calories or GoAhead Yogurt Bars at 143 Calories instead of sweets such as Mars Bars at nearly 300 calories and I have completely given up drinking soft drinks and havent had a Mcdonalds or Burger King in over 3 years, and no I dont miss them because like when you give up smoking you realise that you arent missing anything except shoveling shite into your mouth.
Of course I still have somethings now and then for instance on the Spring into the dales that cheese burger and chips, but that is very rare and I was in the perfect position to burn off lots of calories that day.
So I guess it is down to you to find your own way, but one thing is for sure it will require willpower whatever you do but it is worth it in the end.
Dont think of it as been on a diet. diets are temporary, you need to change your life permanently otherwise the weight wont stay off.