Well wanted or not, here is what I think helps with weight loss,
Do it because you want to make a positive change in your life. Not because you think you should.
Only make small adjustments to your calorie intake. A little bit at a time. Shocking your body with a large reduction is counter productive. This can even be something as simple as only having 2 biscuits instead of the usual 4 say. These small reductions soon add up.
It may sound odd, but portion control can be assisted if you use smaller diameter plates. Less food can still look like a plate-full.
Keep a diary of everything you eat.
You need a healthy attitude to food. Treating certain foods as bad or off limits will only increase your desire for them. Have a day off a week, where you allow yourself a sensible amount of treats.
Do not weigh yourself daily, otherwise u will become a slave to the scales and if your weight goes up one day or week, which as a woman it will due to your natural cycles, this can lead to a sense of failure. Instead, take photo at start, with your measurements, and once a month repeat.
When weighing yourself always do it at the same time of day and naked.
Try to loose weight with a friend. Mutual encouragement really helps.
Never try to loose more than 1 to 2 lbs a week, although in the first week you may experience a rapid weight loss of say 5 to 6 lbs. This will be mainly water though.
Don't loose sight of the fact that 2lb is more or less a bag of sugar, so visualise that. Pretty amazing when you think about it.
This is hard, but try to chew your food. Sounds obvious but its not. Many of use give a few chews and "down" what's in front of us a quickly as possible. This never gives the body a chance to tell the brain that we are full up. Putting down your knife and fork at every mouthful is a pain, but it helps us to relax and enjoy the food and lets us feel when we are full.
Usual stuff about veg, fruit, "brown" foods, fresh food and healthy snacking.
Have realistic, progressive targets to aim for and when you reach that target, buy that dress or shoes, or Campag Super Record 11
Vary your exercise if you can, to stop the body adapting to the demand.