OK, I was listening to the Today programme this morning, and the sport report came on and it occured to me that now the Olympics are over, it'll be back to football as the headline sport every time. Each to their own, but really, I have no interest whatsoever. So I've started to think of ways to make it more interesting.
1) Play every game on the Golden Goal principle. First to score, wins. Some games could be over in minutes (and then they could be replaced on telly by cartoons or decent old films, like they used to do with rained off county cricket), or go on for hours until all players were exhausted and staggering around. Slight problem with the Pools of course, as there would no longer be any draws, score, or no-score...
2) I don't know if they still do, but my memory of watching the Cup Final was that they had the band of the Royal Marines on before and in the interval to match about and play tunes. They should do this for every game, but leave the band on. They would march up and down, and play would have to go round them. Points might be awarded for kicking the ball so that it landed in a tuba. Obviously the Royal Marines would be a bit stretched, so local marching bands could be substituted. For added excitement at big games, they could be replaced by the Kings Artillery Cavalry Field Gun outfit.
So, anyone got any other ideas? Or ideas for any other sport that needs jazzing up a bit?