Wales : South Glamorgan Velothon Wales

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Not sure if people are following the Facebook page or the group on Strava, but apparently there has been talk of the good tacks thrown on the road trick by the local residents :rolleyes:

Someone has also said that the road closure signs at the bottom of the Tumble have been spray painted with "No".

Don't you just love the world we live in where some people think it is OK to endanger others lives. Yeah, it is an inconvenience and even once a year it is a pain for me as I live on the London to Brighton route. Although, as I like to think my skull isn't just an empty void :laugh: I plan around it and you know what, it isn't to difficult and it means I get a lazy day as a result :dance:


I Like Bikes
LBS, Usually
BBC weather have Cardiff as dry, Abergavenny (Tumble) as raining.

No panic yet, plenty of time for change!


After RideLondon last year, rain isn't a worry :smile: it is more the wind for me.

Took 2 days for my shoes to dry after that ride and that was with overshoes on :smile:


It was character building, once you got over the fact that you was wet through........before leaving London ^_^

Seriously though, I think it actually added to the day in a good way and you probably would have enjoyed it.

Just glad I didn't find out my brake pads were disentgrating until on the train on the way home. Actually need some new pads before the weekend.


Openly Marxist
Not sure if people are following the Facebook page or the group on Strava, but apparently there has been talk of the good tacks thrown on the road trick by the local residents :rolleyes:

Someone has also said that the road closure signs at the bottom of the Tumble have been spray painted with "No".

Don't you just love the world we live in where some people think it is OK to endanger others lives. Yeah, it is an inconvenience and even once a year it is a pain for me as I live on the London to Brighton route. Although, as I like to think my skull isn't just an empty void :laugh: I plan around it and you know what, it isn't to difficult and it means I get a lazy day as a result :dance:

I rode that way yesterday and it is true that the road signs have been sprayed. I didn't encounter a lot of hostile driving, though, so it hasn't reached New Forest levels...


Just been checking the hotel I booked and the distance to the start area.

Turns out I needn't worry, the hotel is on St Mary's Street!


Unless you plan on getting any sleep...
True but I usually have difficulty sleeping if its too quiet .


Kilometre nibbler
I'm considering the shortcut that avoids the Tumble. I'm still annoyed by their upping of the minimum speed limit. The last two 200ks I've done I averaged* 18.something (pan flat) and 17.something (unflat). That's a fair way from their cut-off of 19 km/h for a hilly route. I really think that if they want to sell it as a challenge for ordinary Joes - a bit like a city marathon, perhaps recruiting a few first timers as well as giving club riders and the like a chance to flex their muscles - then they've miscalculated how quickly an "ordinary Joe" can ride a bike over hilly terrain.

* That's a real, full-fat end-to-end average, non of yer anmby pamby moving average lite measures.


@Dogtrousers From what I've read, I think they have messed up and that they have moved slower riders forward to give them a chance which has therefore annoyed the quicker riders.

For me, I haven't done hardly any training because I am doing my Masters degree project part time, I don't think I've ever done a ride with over 1000m of climbing and the only one that probably came close was a 135k route that ended up with me slumped over the handle bars at a road junction after about 95k and another cyclist passing me looking rather concerned. I've also only got a 20 min head start of the broom wagon. Also, living in Surrey, there are no climbs like the Tumble.

Is it going to hurt if I get this assignment done, yes, does the short cut look appealing, oh my god it does, but I will never know unless I try it :smile:

Although I haven't put them in, there is meant to be lots of smilies?

Just out of interest, what is your start time? Remember that 19km/h is for the last riders to set off so if you are earlier, your cut-off speed will actually be slower :thumbsup:


Kilometre nibbler
Cheers, @sleaver My start is super early, 0820. I sent them an angry email when they upped the minimum speed from 17 to 19km/h. They agreed to give us an early start.

I'm pretty well prepared, distance and climbing wise (but not speed), and could tootle round the course at my own pace easily. But although I'm slow I'm not the slowest in our group.


There you go, you've got a slower average speed to meet :thumbsup:

19km/h is based in the last group so you have roughly an hour on them. So unless my math is dodgy, which is worry if it is as I'm currently analysing statistics :whistle:, you only need to average 16.5km/h :smile:

Disclaimer - The above didn't happen if someone comes and shows I'm bad at math ^_^


Evidence based cyclist
So I'm driving up on Saturday, and need to go to Cardiff City Hall to register and collect my rider's pack.

Does anyone know which car park I'd best off aiming for on the Saturday?


So I'm driving up on Saturday, and need to go to Cardiff City Hall to register and collect my rider's pack.

Does anyone know which car park I'd best off aiming for on the Saturday?
I'm doing the same.

The hotel I'm in uses an NCP car park across the road, but considering it looks small and I'll be getting there in the afternoon, I'm not holding out much hope.

So I've looked at others but not sure if I should tell you as they may be at a premium ^_^

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