I was using the Aspire Atlantis with the CF mod battery (sub ohm 0.5ohm) but have now switched to an ego one (1 ohm) inhaler with a Cool Fire II mod and battery (looks like a hand grenade. Not to my taste but it was given to me) as it has variable wattage.
The Atlantis is brilliant, but had been told that it can be the equivalent of smoking 5 cigarettes at the same time (no wonder I stopped smoking!!!!) as it is more of a lung inhaler compared to other e-cigs which are mostly mouth to lung inhalers. It most definitely worked, but a word of warning...try not to use high strength nicotine e-juice with the Atlantis if you don't have a variable wattage mod. I don't know the ins and outs of it all, but apparently the Atlantis, being a lung inhaler with a non variable wattage can cause nicotine overdose and some really bad side effects. Use something with a variable wattage so that you can control the flavour and the hit that you get.
The ego one that I'm using with a Cool Fire II has a variable wattage and I'm running it at around 10watts. The flavour and the vape is excellent. It's weaker compared to the Atlantis, but I know it's not going to make me pass out and overdose on nicotine. The plus with the ego one is that I can run higher strength nicotine without OD'ing on it because of the way it's delivered compared to the Atlantis.
I found that I would use the Atlantis with the CF Mod battery (I think it runs at around 30-40w without being able to vary it) and could have 3 or 4 blasts and then not want any for anything from 15 minutes to 30 mins before having another hit. The ego one on the other hand, I find that I will vape more regulalrly to get my fix. Like I say, I don't know all there is to know about the different variations of inhalers and batteries etc, but just be careful! The write-ups and spec on a lot of these devices don't give you much information as to what is what. I find it quite confusing or lacking in information.