Can someone explain why their use is allowed by kids at school, whilst at school?
Is it only me that sees people using them in places where smoking isn't allowed with a smug look on their face? This asked by a non smoker.
If it is only steam/water vapour, what is the taste from some of them? Its worse than an actual cigarette.
1. Lordy! I had no idea, that would seem like a crazy things for schools to allow
2. Down to the individual I guess. It's very nice being allowed to use vapes in pubs, but I'd always ask the staff first. I can only speak for me, but I'd consider anywhere that doesn't allow smoking as off limits out of respect.
3. Who can say, people like some odd flavours. But the smell is usually a fairly uniform slight sweetness due to the vegetable glycerin content. I'm not sure I've smelt any that are 'bad', even if the vaper in question is using 'unicorn vomit' or some other freak flavour.