Jack Dee recounted a similar tale. His advice was don't go into the doctor's wearing a suit as it's extra undignified to be bent over a table with your trousers down but still wearing a suit jacket.
He then started thinking - "how do I know this chap's really the doctor?" "for all I know, he could be the photocopier salesman" ....
Don't try to joke with them, in my experience they have no sense of humour.
Similarly when being given endoscopy results don't suggest they splice the footage to your previous colonoscopy to create a complete drive through...
Nowt to it lads.Few weeks ago i had a Colonoscopy,finger, no a camera.Then last week a finger ,now on pills and sleeping better,my prostate is swollen and pressing on my bladder.So far so good.I am sleeping and only waking once a night at the moment.Hoping by three weeks to go through the night without waking up.
So lads drop 'em and don't be afraid there is nothing to fear.