Unexpected prostate exam

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Holy Resurrection thread,I am glad i went a few years back.I also had a fine optic tube with a camera inserted inside my penis.No pain at all the Nurses were fantastic (once they had stopped laughing) no bad joke that.They are BRILLIANT they know you are worried and a bit shy about showing yer bits,espesh after being sat in a windy corridor.So just for 20 mins or so a lifetime knowing all is well.My Prostate was just swollen,but i will say i struggled with depression for ages after due to the one pill i was put on,i asked many months later to be taken off it.It worked,apart from every now and then i have funny dark days but they don't last long.So chaps go is my advice for your peace of mind.
I am due to have that later today . It is reassuring to read that someone else has undergone that treatment.
I had hormone and then radio therapy to treat my prostate cancer. My PSA level is 0.1 but recently I started peeing blood! It was a shock to see it at first. Only a small amount and as with most things when you try to get a sample it clears .
I have seen my doctor and had a blood test so I visit the hospital today. Yesterday I was beginning to think that it was a complete waste of time but then saw blood again .
On the prostate side of things I have got over the hot flushes and seem to have more energy than I used to have. Just waiting for my brain to return to normal .
Just killing time before getting ready for my afternoon visit .


I am due to have that later today . It is reassuring to read that someone else has undergone that treatment.
I had hormone and then radio therapy to treat my prostate cancer. My PSA level is 0.1 but recently I started peeing blood! It was a shock to see it at first. Only a small amount and as with most things when you try to get a sample it clears .
I have seen my doctor and had a blood test so I visit the hospital today. Yesterday I was beginning to think that it was a complete waste of time but then saw blood again .
On the prostate side of things I have got over the hot flushes and seem to have more energy than I used to have. Just waiting for my brain to return to normal .
Just killing time before getting ready for my afternoon visit .

Wishing you the best from here,keep your chin up.Hope all goes well.


Leg End Member
I am due to have that later today . It is reassuring to read that someone else has undergone that treatment.
I had hormone and then radio therapy to treat my prostate cancer. My PSA level is 0.1 but recently I started peeing blood! It was a shock to see it at first. Only a small amount and as with most things when you try to get a sample it clears .
I have seen my doctor and had a blood test so I visit the hospital today. Yesterday I was beginning to think that it was a complete waste of time but then saw blood again .
On the prostate side of things I have got over the hot flushes and seem to have more energy than I used to have. Just waiting for my brain to return to normal .
Just killing time before getting ready for my afternoon visit .
Break a leg.
I thought I would revive this thread as it is an important test !
I think it is about a year since I finished my radio treatment and am doing fine . I seem to be doing a lot better this year than I have the previous years.
I am 7 miles short of 700 miles this year, last year was over 400. I put it down to the placebo effect !
This morning I discovered that I had to make a blood test. I am assuming that it is a PSA test as they said that it is a normal test .
I was lucky that my cancer was caught just in time as it was on the verge of breaking out. I had a bone scan to check and was told that it hadn't spread .
So I thought that this could be a reminder for peeps to get themselves checked !


Legendary Member
I saw my GP last week and asked about another PSA. He showed me my last five results, which were all extremely low apart from the most recent, which he said was "within allowable limits" then told me "one third of people will get cancer" and proceeded to lecture me about false results from the PSA, sending me away with an NHS leaflet to read, which basically says it's not worth it. However I've been having some odd sypmtoms in the urinary department recently so having thought about it I've decided to go back and get the PSA test, a digital exam if necessary and a urine test.

Does anybody know what symptoms you could expect if you had a problem with the prostate, apart from the usual slowness of stream and dribbles, which I believe are normal in a 63 y.o.? I have no pain, no blood, no other symptoms, just vague slightly pricky discomfort, which seems to come from the urethra. Oh, slight discomfort in the lower back, which might be related to spending increasing time in the car as traffic worsens.
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Legendary Member
I saw my GP last week and asked about another PSA. He showed me my last five results, which were all extremely low apart from the most recent, which he said was "within allowable limits" then told me "one third of people will get cancer" and proceeded to lecture me about false results from the PSA, sending me away with an NHS leaflet to read, which basically says it's not worth it. However I've been having some odd sypmtoms in the urinary department recently so having thought about it I've decided to go back and get the PSA test, a digital exam if necessary and a urine test.

Does anybody know what symptoms you could expect if you had a problem with the prostate, apart from the usual slowness of stream and dribbles, which I believe are normal in a 63 y.o.? I have no pain, no blood, no other symptoms, just vague slightly pricky discomfort, which seems to come from the urethra. Oh, slight discomfort in the lower back, which might be related to spending increasing time in the car as traffic worsens.

A friend had no symptoms other than persistent lower back pain.

He now has a titanium hip and a carbon fibre rod in his femur.

Get it checked.


Quite dreadful
lost somewhere
Does anybody know what symptoms you could expect if you had a problem with the prostate, apart from the usual slowness of stream and dribbles, which I believe are normal in a 63 y.o.? I have no pain, no blood, no other symptoms, just vague slightly pricky discomfort, which seems to come from the urethra. Oh, slight discomfort in the lower back, which might be related to spending increasing time in the car as traffic worsens.
A stinging sensation when peeing might just be a temporary minor urinary tract infection which sometimes just go away without treatment. I'd see a GP anyway and see what he/she says, just to be on the safe side.


Getting old but not past it
North Wales
My prostate flared up again last night. I was in and out of the toilet all night with no proper wee but painful trying. The strange thing is that, during the day, thanks to gravity, it is not bad. Also , the result of my PSA blood test last week was satisfactory according to my GP. I am seeing him in the morning to see what he has to say .
I saw my GP last week and asked about another PSA. He showed me my last five results, which were all extremely low apart from the most recent, which he said was "within allowable limits" then told me "one third of people will get cancer" and proceeded to lecture me about false results from the PSA, sending me away with an NHS leaflet to read, which basically says it's not worth it. However I've been having some odd sypmtoms in the urinary department recently so having thought about it I've decided to go back and get the PSA test, a digital exam if necessary and a urine test.

Does anybody know what symptoms you could expect if you had a problem with the prostate, apart from the usual slowness of stream and dribbles, which I believe are normal in a 63 y.o.? I have no pain, no blood, no other symptoms, just vague slightly pricky discomfort, which seems to come from the urethra. Oh, slight discomfort in the lower back, which might be related to spending increasing time in the car as traffic worsens.
when I hit 50 I honoured a promise to a dear old friend which was to start having yearly PSA testing. Had to battle with the GP to have it done. I said I would pay if that made a difference. To cut a long story short I had the test and all went well for five years and on the sixth I got a call to go discuss my test results. Turns out the reading had increased over the threshold of normality. My eventual biopsy showed high Gleeson scores and an aggressive tumour. I was otherwise asymptomatic!! I had my prostate removed just over a year ago. One year on PSA is undetectable. I was very very lucky. Never a day goes by when I don’t realise that or that I am glad I stood my ground and didn’t go away and read a leaflet. Best of luck Globalti
My Dad had a lot of back pain, and by the time he was ultimately diagnosed with PC it had spread to his bones and was terminal, he made it 5 years post diagnosis, but the last 12-18 months were a experience I wouldn't wish on anyone.

Other than that he'd no particular symptoms, but then again he might have kept things hidden as he wasn't one to make a fuss, I wish he had of done now though :sad:

When he was diagnosed I read a lot about PC, and discovered it put me at a marginally increased risk, so popped to the quacks to discuss it. Granted I was only about 40 at the time but all he kept saying was it's an old mans disease, more men die with PC than from PC etc, etc, etc. He eventually agreed to a do a blood test and all was apparently fine, but I just felt like it shouldn't have been the hassle it was to get it done.

There's a lot of developments coming in testing for PC, which will hopefully eradicate, or at least significantly reduce the false results and also the medical complications that can go hand in hand with tests and treatments.

Best of luck to anyone dealing with these matter :hugs:
As I have mentioned earlier it was a different leaflet to the normal ones that you find in super markets that led my wife and I to go and see the doctor .
I was getting up several times in the night but it wasn't that bad and so wasn't that much of a problem .
One of the things on the leaflet pointed to sexual problems .
I had lost one of my little friends due to problems with the blood supply being cut off during a hernia operation years before. I joked with my doctor about wanting to be a sperm donor at the time. He said that just having one wouldn't make much difference anyway .
Anyway years later I had noticed that the quantity had decreased. Dry ejaculation . This is what led me to see my doctor .
My prostate was enlarged but also felt abnormal . The cancer was about to break out .
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