IIRC in the days before clipless pedals TA would make custom pedals with built up cages to compensate for unequal leg.
The ideal solution is to use cranks of different lengths because it will match the circle of motion to your leg length. This is possible with pick and mix cranksets (TA come to mind again, as do Middleburn and Highpath) but expensive. I would think (and others may have better advice) that you only need to compensate for part of the 2cm difference as your body will compensate to some degree itself. Many people have legs of unequal lengths anyway - an orthopeadic surgeon once told me that 5mm is quite common.
Putting a spacer (you'd have to make it yourself) between your shoe and cleat might be part of the solution too as may be putting an insole in one shoe.
The best solution may be a combination of all the approaches.
If you use flat pedals then building one up or choosing 2 pedals with different cage depths may be an option.