Crank length

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Kilometre nibbler
Myria- is a new one on me. As in a 'myriad of voices'.
Mega- (not in French System above): from Greek megas "great, large, vast, big, high, tall; mighty, important"

Me too, I'd not heard of it. I rather like it. It's certainly snappier than 10km.
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Puzzle game procrastinator!
Whatever happened to 172.5 mm cranks?
I bought the last set! :okay:


I was actually looking for a 175 mm set but Spa Cycles were out of stock at the time so I bought these instead. I am not bothered much about crank length as long as it is in the range 170-175 mm.
oddly i do notice it , mind you i notice if my saddle drops 2 mm

I too notice a difference, albeit a small one. I have two bikes with 172.5 and one with 170mm. I have the saddle higher by 2mm on the 170mm bike. I have played around with saddle heights and even kept them the same to see if it makes a difference. It is the knees where I feel it, particularly if I raise the saddle on the 172.5mm cranks to the same as the 170mm. With younger knees perhaps you would`nt notice it as much, I may be wrong. Leg length, don`t forget also come into play and knee extension. I am 5`8 with about 30-31" inside leg. Ideally I would have 170mm on all bikes.


Interesting read for me, I have just ordered a new bike which comes with 172.5 as standard. As I was building the bike to my specifications I opted for 175 cranks.

The cadence / rpm was not a factor in my choice more that I appear to be disproportionately challenged with long legs but short reach.

I have dropped from a large to a medium as it was a bit of a stretch up top but always have loads of seat post showing!

My thinking was the extra five mm on the cranks may help to compensate for dropping a frame size. I have been really struggling with arm reach on the 55cm frame I have at the moment even with putting a shorter stem on it. Also I am going from a less "aggressive" frame to a more "comfortable" frame geometry so hopefully it all fits well. Will find out in a couple of months!!

I have also opted for a straight seat post as opposed to a swept back one, a personal dislike of mine.
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