I think ' ridiculously good' was his manner in trying to reassure me that there was nothing wrong with my heart. My annual BP reading in August with the Practice nurse was 129/77 - my age 63 in case this is relevant.
The doctor checked me over with the stethoscope and took BP readings again which were similar to the August reading. His diagnosis - don't worry.
Thanks 'Arsen Gere' for the links. Some interesting points in the articles. My 'spikes, as an example, jump from 145 BPM in 2 steps to 166 or 3, 4, 5 steps to 178 or 186 or 198 in a matter of seconds. It appears to give one reading in the 150,s, one in the 160's and so on. The reading then returns to 'normal' within 4 or 5 seconds. Definitely not staying up like your female friend.
Curious, isn't it.