Uk tour ideas.

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I'm thinking of a UK tour taking in both scenic locations as well as seeing family and friends.
That's a pretty big tour you seem to be contemplating!

A couple of things that may help you along.....

Cycle.Travel has a newish feature that allows us to add our own 'Markers' (Points of Interest) to the map. In your case, add in the people you want to visit, the places, perhaps particular routes you want to cycle etc., each one with a different icon and then set about joining them all up together in the most interesting way. It really is a very useful feature.
You can also change the underlying map to more clearly show 'official' cycle routes and the plotting engine can be instructed to follow these as much as possible.
Screenshot 2024-04-30 10.33.12.png

Above is one small section with campsites marked off as well as some bike routes ready for wandering.

Cycle.Travel also has its 'Route Guides' option with detailed info (and maps) for a variety of long and short routes.

CGOAB has its 'map' feature giving direct access to journals by location. Useful for inspiration and info.
Screenshot 2024-04-30 10.26.48.png

Any ideas of places to see etc.
I'm sure you'll get more responses when you focus on a particular area.

My genuine advice would be to focus in on the 'who' or 'where' you really want to visit then set about plotting a route to navigate between them. My understanding is that this tour might be different to previous ones, something that can be shied away from or embraced. I suggest embracing the difference.

Good luck!
That markers thing on sounds brilliant! Thank you for mentioning it, @HobbesOnTour

It is really useful and about to be added to the app. When that happens it'll simply be a case of whip out the phone whenever we see something interesting and add it as a marker. There's enough space to write comprehensive notes to ourselves for each one, too.
It could also be used to simply track and make notes on places that we visit on tour.
For Norfolk, check out the coast road and the smaller parallel one inland. Good camping on the Sea side of the road at Highsand Creek.
Inland in deepest Norfolk there is Bircham Windmill campsite.
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It is really useful and about to be added to the app. When that happens it'll simply be a case of whip out the phone whenever we see something interesting and add it as a marker. There's enough space to write comprehensive notes to ourselves for each one, too.
It could also be used to simply track and make notes on places that we visit on tour.
Just to not get expectations up too much - the version of the app which I've just finished (and which will be winging its way off to the app stores in the next few days) will display markers that you've created on the website, but doesn't yet have the ability to create new ones. That'll be in the following version!

(It's putting together the user interface for things like that which takes the time, particularly on iOS - Android is a bit easier. I spent the best part of yesterday afternoon trying to persuade iOS to display one little row of icons properly. Just exasperating.)


Legendary Member
I was going to recommend Woodhall Spa campsite for your leg from A to B but it seems a little pricey. It's right next door to an outdoor pool which is lovely at the end of a ride. I followed NCN 1 from there to north Norfolk, albeit 15 years ago...


Carbon fibre... LMAO!!!
Those prices are getting to be standard practice across many sites now unfortunately.
The COVID inspired staycationers I believe gave site owners the green light to start charging whatever they pleased given the restrictions of international travel at the time.


Comfy armchair to one person & a plank to the next
I was going to recommend Woodhall Spa campsite for your leg from A to B but it seems a little pricey. It's right next door to an outdoor pool which is lovely at the end of a ride. I followed NCN 1 from there to north Norfolk, albeit 15 years ago...
That's quite a detour. There are of course some historic things to visit in Wisbech (Peckover House, a "castle", plus Octavia Hill and Thomas Clarkson links, for example), but it's about 20 miles shorter to leave NCN1 among the Holbeaches, head east on B roads and back roads to Sutton Bridge, then pick up the end of the King's Lynn orange cycle route (formerly route KL9).


Well-Known Member
Recently did a 2 day weekend trip. Bristol->Cheddar Gorge->Wells->Glastonbury->Yeovil->Weymouth->Portland Bill.
Took the train back from Weymouth. Beautiful scenery. The descent down Bristol Hill into Wells is one of the best. Who needs to go abroad ?
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