Tyre Pressure / Inner tube quality ‘questions’…..

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Devotee of OCD
Are the tubes definitely designed for that size of tyre? If they are something like 28-35mm, then they will be stretched a little more than they are designed for in a 1.95" tyre.

And have you checked the rim while the tube is out, to make sure there is no sharp object?

People generally nowadays tend to ride at rather lower pressures than they used to, and though 80 isn't likely to be an issue, it would be unusually high for that wide a tyre. Even my 28mm tyres I only run at 80psi (Tubeless would be lower again). There was a time when the professionals would all be running at 110-115psi, they will all now be in the 80-90 range, and that will be on much narrower tyres than yours.
Tubes are for that width yes: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/232704459905?var=532215294610

I'm 6'4 (Well i was.......) :laugh: and 16 stone on a bad day. Un-clothed.

Even at 80psi i can easily see some deformation of the contact point of the rear tyre. Not stupid. But seems to show PSI isnt ridiculously high and tyre non-compliant / rock hard effectively for my weight......

And yes ive checked rim numerous times. Plan tonight: is new tube and rim tape (Binning old rim strip). Making sure i've more than covered everything but the sidewalls.


Devotee of OCD
Check the rim, check the tyre for anything sharp. Most people aren't running tyres at above maximum these days. I've some 38c gravel tyres on my CX bike - I run them at 40 PSI - way below maximim, but they roll well on tarmac and grip off road - much higher pressure and it's very uncomfortable. I run my 25C road tyres at about 90.

Also, tyre liners can cause issues after some while. I've tried a couple in the past, and more recently some from Decathlon. They worked a treat at stopping thorns, but over time, the edges of the strip wore tiny holes in the tubes through friction. The holes were difficult to detect, but each time they were discovered right on the edge of where the liner was. You'll get tiny movements of tube, and over many miles this will wear the tube.

TBH, you've probably got a sharp edge or something stuck in the tyre.

Never had an issue with cheap or expensive tubes. Generally buy Decathlon's own as they are local and cheap.


Liners are on the outside of course. My issues are on the internal area of the tube. Opposite to the liner.

Yes agreed on must be something on the rim and / or tyre. I've run bare fingers over both numerous times. But i do have thick-skinned Engineers hands. Maybe i need to run my wifes delicate hands over them and wait for the audible alert :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
SIlly idea -but you seem to be eliminating the normal ones

but try parking the bike with the tyres the same way up every time - I had a tyre/tube that used to deflate all the time and then was fine when being ridden
I found that if it was parked with teh valve at the top it was OK - valve at the bottom - not always

not exactly sure where that gets you but doesn't take much effort and might show something


Über Member
SW Leeds
I've had a couple of tubes go at the seam, though a pinhole sized slow puncture not a big split.
I patch them anyway, just need to sand down the seam carefully if it's raised. They have held just fine. The ones that went at the seam were on my mtb, 2.6" tyres at about 35 psi! I don't know the brand, they came with the bike.
I had this problem with 2 I got from Halfords

never had a problem with the ones the LBS sells

but I agree that it is probably just when there is a bad batch and once a weakness starts it gets worse
and if there is one in that tube then there is a better than normal chance of there being another
Loch side.
It is impossible to overinflate a tube if the pressure remains lower than what the tyre can handle. The tyre is the weak point regarding inflation pressure. In other words, a tube can,not split or burst unless the tyre has failed. The tyre fails from overinflatin in two ways. Either the cords can break, herniate and pop the tyre or, the bead lifts off the rim, allows the tube to pop out and burst. The tube usually returns back inside before the bead returns to its position, leaving you to think that the tube burst inside the tyre. It cannot do that. If you heard a bang, the tube burst outside the tyre.
As for seam splits as described by the OP - these are from reasons other than overinflation. It could be poor seams, a sharp object, tyre liner etc. Only careful sleuthing will give the answer. Speculation is futile.


Devotee of OCD
It is impossible to overinflate a tube if the pressure remains lower than what the tyre can handle. The tyre is the weak point regarding inflation pressure. In other words, a tube can,not split or burst unless the tyre has failed. The tyre fails from overinflatin in two ways. Either the cords can break, herniate and pop the tyre or, the bead lifts off the rim, allows the tube to pop out and burst. The tube usually returns back inside before the bead returns to its position, leaving you to think that the tube burst inside the tyre. It cannot do that. If you heard a bang, the tube burst outside the tyre.
As for seam splits as described by the OP - these are from reasons other than overinflation. It could be poor seams, a sharp object, tyre liner etc. Only careful sleuthing will give the answer. Speculation is futile.

Great info. Thoughts to chew on there indeed.

And i'm now more aware i need to look and learn from the clues (And not just bin old tube, fit new: and ride ASAP) - as something does appear to be recurring.....


Devotee of OCD
So: I popped into my LBS on the way home. The owner recommended Impac (Made by Schwalbe) Inner tubes - as good quality. And also suggested the best rim tape on a roll [Supposedly rim bands aren’t really a thing any more]. I duly purchased both.

On inspection of the flat at home; the old (Plastic feeling ?) rim band wasn’t perhaps the best. And at puncture point was a tiny bit kinked. This may have been accentuated when the tube inflated and exposed the head of the nipple to the now inflated tube ?

Again though……after cleaning the inside of the rim, inspecting it, running my hand carefully around the inner of the tyre and the wheel rim numerous times I can find nothing remotely sharp of any sort 🤷‍♂️

This puncture was also nowhere near any inner tube seam. So not a pattern of ‘just’ tube failures. So I figure the new rim tape and quality tubes stand some sort of chance now 😎

What I did find (And 100% has happened while this bike has been static in the shed; and since I last rode it, cleaned it and put it away) - is a broken spoke nipple. The puncture wasn’t anywhere close to that however.

A trip out for a new nipple in the am. And off we go again. Only needs to last a few more measly days until the new ride appears. “Trying” until the ‘end’ 🙄


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It is impossible to overinflate a tube if the pressure remains lower than what the tyre can handle. The tyre is the weak point regarding inflation pressure. In other words, a tube can,not split or burst unless the tyre has failed. The tyre fails from overinflatin in two ways. Either the cords can break, herniate and pop the tyre or, the bead lifts off the rim, allows the tube to pop out and burst. The tube usually returns back inside before the bead returns to its position, leaving you to think that the tube burst inside the tyre. It cannot do that. If you heard a bang, the tube burst outside the tyre.
As for seam splits as described by the OP - these are from reasons other than overinflation. It could be poor seams, a sharp object, tyre liner etc. Only careful sleuthing will give the answer. Speculation is futile.



Devotee of OCD
LBS - who’d usually been unhelpful / stand-offish i felt. (**Just the owner ? - as the Assistant was brilliant this Morning 😎) did me proud……

Asked about a replacement nipple at 9am sharp. And without asking fitted it while I perused the hardy / puncture proof tyre section 🤦‍♂️

Upon my return he asked if I’d like the wheel trued. Said it’s was ‘ok’ - but thought he could do a lot better whilst tightening spokes. 2 minutes later he asked for just £5 in return for his time and skill. Outstanding !! **And wheel looks epically straight. Both ways. And spokes are lovely and tight.

Home and inner wheel rim cleaned. New tape fitted. New quality tube fitted. And to get around using Fairy liquid to help the tyre sit properly / squarely on the rim - I had a genius (?) idea of spray silicone. Slightly cleaner / easier I thought perhaps 🤷‍♂️ And once applied to both sidewalls I immediately and quickly pumped like a maniac. Tyre went on really well first time. With washing up liquid I sometimes had to do this laborious task more than once.

Now off for a test ride before a decent run tomorrow. Please have me in your prayers 😀


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