It's a terrible idea from every single perspective:
The driver (lack of exercise and cost)
Those in the vicinity (congestion, air pollution from gaseous and particulate combustion products, air pollution from particulates eminating from brakes and clutches, increased risk of accident through both increased moving traffic and the hazards it presents when stationary).
The wider envionment (pollution above, increased use of finite resources)
The vehicle (increased engine wear from repeated cold starts, increased wear on drivetrain, braking and suspension components, increased wear on interior and contact points from from getting in and out six times for every mile covered).
In addition cars (particularly petrol vehicles) are very inefficient when operating at below optimum temperatures and in stop-start traffic, killing fuel economy and massively increasing pollutants per unit distance travelled.
It's stuff like this that utterly destroys my faith in humanity, certainly in the UK. We have all these fantastic machines of empowerment and convenience yet refuse to use them responsibly / sparingly / only within circumstances where other modes of transport are not more appropriate.
In the minority we're clever enough to develop these items, but en-masse seem to be unable to apply any intelligence to their use - this being wholly eclipsed by lazyness and arrogance it seems