True Facts About Chris Rea

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Chris Rea, son of Thora Hird and Tony Curtis, turned to music after giving up his career as a footballer at Middlesbrough FC when his clumsy tackle ended the playing career of Brian Clough

Ming the Merciless

There is no mercy
Photo Winner
Inside my skull
Chris Rea wrote the ”Road to Hell” after driving to Hull for a gig at the Jolly Roger pub.


Kilometre nibbler
Chris Rea is an accomplished artist, and drew the strip cartoon Modesty Blaise that appeared in the Evening Standard for many years.


Kilometre nibbler
Chris Rea funded his early music career with the profits he earned from being the first importer of Rubik's cubes into Britain.


Kilometre nibbler
If Chris Rea has more one more toes than he has fingers, more fingers on his left hand than on his right, fewer toes on his right foot than fingers on his left hand, more toes on his right foot than on his left, fewer fingers on his left hand than toes on his right foot ... how tall is he?


Kilometre nibbler
Chris Rea has fond memories of his first guitar tutor, Philip Larkin, and dedicated the hit single "Aubergine" to him.


Kilometre nibbler
Chris Rea is the love child of the cartoon characters Andy Capp and Flo.

But Chris Rea's father Andy Capp and his mother Flo were happily married for many years, so the term "love child" seems odd, unless you are suggesting that Chris Rea was born before his parents' marriage?


Setting the controls for the heart of the sun.
Chris Rea is a dedicated conservationist. The grounds of his Northumberland mansion contain rare species of animals from round the world.
He is also the world's leading expert and captive breeder of the critically endangered striped silverback dung beetle. A species which has largely lost its native habitat in the cloud forests of Xanadu.


Legendary Member
Chris Rea was banned from Facebook for his believe that sacrificing virgins was a cure for diarrhea. As a result there are no no virgins to be found anywhere in the world within 1.2 miles of a kebab shop.


Kilometre nibbler
Chris Rea has appeared on Top of the Pops fifteen times but only twice as a performer. The other times he was part of the awkwardly dancing audience, hoping to get lucky.
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