True Facts About Chris Rea

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Legendary Member
Chris Rea was the original inventor of GPT and has secretly added hard-coded rules that prevent it from repeating foolish untrue stories about him.

Yet Chris Rea's attempts to purchase Google have failed, and it irks him tht searching Google for Chris Rea fact brings up all ort of information he's been trying to keep hidden.


West Yorks
In his latest geographical cock up, Chris Rea & The Turdis materialised at a Container Port in Istanbul, instead of the Teesport Time Travel Megabase, the auberge field blast dislodged containers on The Anmah making them tip to one side causing the ship to roll over on it's side, luckily 15 crew on board escaped without injury, but one was taken to hospital. Chris made a hasty retreat before he got caught by the Turkish authorities.


West Yorks
In his latest geographical cock up, Chris Rea & The Turdis materialised at a Container Port in Istanbul, instead of the Teesport Time Travel Megabase, the auberge field blast dislodged containers on The Anmah making them tip to one side causing the ship to roll over on it's side, luckily 15 crew on board escaped without injury, but one was taken to hospital. Chris made a hasty retreat before he got caught by the Turkish authorities.
Further to the shenanigans in Istanbul, the Turdis appeared over the Mediterranean, between Algiers & Spain above the Russian cargo ship Ursa Major, once again the Auberge field backfire, caused an engine room explosion that sank the ship, President Putin has nearly passed out through rage, and is now in a darkened room with an ice bag on his head, while President Zelensky has ordered a special gift to be delivered to Chris Rea in thanks as he works to drive Putin to insanity, as he did Adolf Hitler.
The Turdis is now safely parked at the Teesport Time Travel Megabase, in order to ensure no one else has a ruined Xmas


Legendary Member
Henry II, annoyed at regular Auberge Field disruption across the kingdom, said "who will rid me of this turbulent musician?"

Two knights fresh back from the crusades immediately set forth intent in slaughtering Chris Rea, who only escaped by virtue of the TURDIS being stashed nearby disguised as Canterbury Cathedral.
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Today i follow the flying spaghetti monster
Leafy Surrey
Chris is stuck in traffic, driving home for Christmas. He’s reportedly said he’s stuck on the road to hell.

That's because the auberge field makes holes in tarmac, and it confuses the electronic gantry signs causing 40mph limits and lane closures.


Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
Chris Rea doesn't set his Christmas Pudding alight as, once, back in 1976, he singed his eyebrows and had to borrow a spare set from Chris DeBerg.


West Yorks
Chris Rea recently found himself in the middle ages, at a place called Camelot, on leaving The Turdis he met 12 Knights on their way to a meeting with someone called Arthur, so he tagged along, telling them of his exploits through time, Arthur, who turned out to be the King was mightily impressed, especially when Chris entertained them after dinner, using the court jesters lute, singing all his hits, interspersed with several vulgar jokes he had picked up whilst doing the Working Men's Club Circuit, King Arthur was so impressed he made Chris Rea a Knight, called Sir Gadabout, however it all ended in tears when on leaving Camelot, The Auburge Field exploded, & blew the Castle of Camelot to bits, thus bringing Arthur's reign to an end, Chris Rea stay's away from anyone called Sir, as the descendants of the Knights of The Round Table are still looking for him
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