Trivial things that please you beyond all expectations

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Found the right socket for metal roofing boards!!


Legendary Member
London, UK
Cars that beep when you're in reverse gear (I'm not talking about parking beepers).

Like... HELLO? Who cannot tell that the car is in reverse gear?

BTW if anyone has such a car, is it from the far-east? And is there an option to switch that beeping off?

Edit: oops, I should have put this in the "things that annoy you" thread.
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Legendary Member
London, UK
Can anyone tell me how long you're allowed to park your car on double yellow lines please?

And don't tell me you're not allowed to park on double-yellows at any time because quite clearly you don't know what you're talking about (judging by the number of cars I see parked on them).

Edit: oops, I put this in the wrong thread.
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Cars that beep when you're in reverse gear (I'm not talking about parking beepers).

Like... HELLO? Who cannot tell that the car is in reverse gear?

BTW if anyone has such a car, is it from the far-east? And is there an option to switch that beeping off?

When I was working in Nepal the van one contact used played "Jingle Bells" in an obnoxious manner when reversing.


Legendary Member
London, UK
When I was working in Nepal the van one contact used played "Jingle Bells" in an obnoxious manner when reversing.

That's funny! I've got a washing machine from far east and a German tumble dryer. When the dryer is switched on/off, it beeps. When the washing machine is turned on/off, it sings all manner of tunes. And once it plays it's tune, I can't get it out of my head.

I also just noticed this is the "things that please you thread". I should have posted this in the "things that annoy" thread.....

Tail End Charlie

Well, write it down boy ......
Doing a job which you always seem to forget to do, because it is so trivial. E.g. a light in the utility room had stopped working and I traced the "fault" to a loose wire into the back. It was loose because the wire kept getting knocked in the cupboard when mop buckets and ironing boards were taken out. Every time I turn the light on, I think "I must fix that" and then forget about it till the next time. Anyway, today I immediately went and got the sticky tape and put some over the wire to protect it. Took all of two minutes and light now works as it should. Well chuffty.

Accy cyclist

Legendary Member


This was the last carrot left in a local supermarket this evening. Look at the size of it! :ohmy:

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Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
I'm watching this. I find it so interesting.

The 'short bloke' (he said it himself) :okay: in the video has a 62 centimeters circumference sized head, which slightly surprisingly to me shows that head size isn't determined by height. 🤔
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